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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: Dial-Tone Lullabies)

    "What? You can’t do that!" Clay’s voice quivered, "First you make us choose who to live with, but now its across the damn country?!" He got up to leave, but was ushered back down by Arthur.

    "Please Clay, just stay to hear us out."

    "We wouldn’t make you completely choose. You could spend your school year with one of us, and summer with the other…" Arthur tried to sound positive, though he was hurting just as much as his children.

    "Oh boy, Dad, that’s such an offer." Glen scoffed, folding his arms over his chest and flopping back onto the couch.

    "Why did you have to do this to us NOW?" Clay was still pretty shaken.

    "Honey, there was no right time to do this," Paula pleaded with crystal blue eyes identical to her daughters.

    "Whatever, I can’t take this." Glen hobbled out of the living room, Clay followed behind. Their only daughter still sat, speechless, and soon mimicked her brothers and headed to her bedroom.

    Of course, she was going to choose L.A. and her father! But would her mother let her? Hell no.  And Spencer knew it. She knew her mother would try damn near EVERYTHING to take her away from Los Angelis, away from her dad, and definitely away from Ashley.

    She retrieved her phone from her purse and quickly dialed a number to a much need voice.

    "Heeeyy babay! How was the talk?" But Ashley was soon filled with concern when she heard the small whimpers and crys coming from the other line.

    "Spence… What happened?"

    "My.. My mom’s moving to Ohio, Ash. She’s going to try to t-take me with her, I know it," Spencer sobbed quietly some more.

    "No. No Spencer, she can’t. She cant really take you from me! Can’t you stay with your dad?" The panic in her girlfriend’s voice was evident.

    "I dont know, Ashley. I want to, but I know she’ll try every trick in the book to ke-keep us apart!" Her cries were becoming louder, and her breathing was unsteady and deep.

    "Baby, baby. Calm down. Shhh" The brunette tried to sooth her fretful lover.

    "I refuse to leave you Ashley, I promise I’ll do EVERYTHING to stay."

    "I know Spence, I know. We’ll make it out of this, okay? It’s okay…" She hummed gently, transferring her soft noise into a song.

    "And when the going gets tough, we’ll make it through, babe.

    And when lifes not enough, just know I’ve got you, babe.

    I’ll hold you forever in my arms,

    ‘Til your problems are all gone.

    We’ll make it through, I’ve got you, babe."

    Once Ashley knew her girlfriend was asleep, she waited a good half hour before whispering her goodnight wishes, closing her phone, and drifting into a sleep herself, praying her dreams weren’t haunted by the fact the love of her life could easily be ripped from her arms.

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