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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: I Think I’m Safer On An Airplane.)



    After eating and waking up Ashley, Aiden had his dirty clothes in hand, ready to say his farewells.


    "Thanks for breakfast Spence, it was good," she nodded and smiled before embracing him in a warm hug.


    "Thank you so much, for everything Aiden. I don’t know what me and Ash would do without you." She smiled into his chest, and he squeezed her shoulder.


    "Anything for a friend, you know you guys can call me for anything… And I mean anything," She pulled back finally, and caught him wink down at her. She shook her head, rolling her eyes simultaneously.


    Next was Ashley’s turn for the goodbye. She smirked, cool-y walking towards him. She wrapped her arms around him to his back, and dropped all her barriers. No fake acts like everything was chill, this was Ashley and how she felt for real. She quietly thanked him, her head buried in his chest. He told her the same, and lifted her chin up to see eye-to-eye with the tiny brunette.

    With tears welled in her eyes, he squeezed her tightly and kissed the top of her forehead.


    "Things’ll be fine Ash, don’t worry so much. Like I said, you guys know you can call me." He smiled sympathetically at her, and she smiled in apology. One may wonder why in apology, but she knew exactly why, and she knew he did, too.

    Apology for all the pain she put him through, the suffering. Anytime she was a downright asshole to the kid, she was sorry now. She knew who her best friends were, and he had proven himself to her since day one. She just now really started to appreciate it.


    With a final thank you, and goodbye, the raven haired boy was slumping into the backseat of a taxi and heading back into the city of L.A.



    The couple’s day in their new house had gone by suprisingly uneventful. They got some more food, watched some TV, talked about what they would do for the time being. Nothing too out of the ordinary, and exactly how they wanted it.

    Spencer walked into their bedroom, retrieving the previously vibrating phone.


     From Glen:

    ‘Spence, where the fuck are you? Mom’s going crazy!’

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    1. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

    2. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

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