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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: I Think I’m Safer On An Airplane.)


    Shit. Shit shit shit. Her mom was NOT supposed to be freaking out this soon, hell her mom wasn’t supposed to freak out at all! But that was irrelivant, she knew her mom would flip out sometime, and no doubt soon.

    She decided to call him. Text messages were too unpersonal.


    "Spencer! Seriously what the fuck!" What a great way to be greeted by her sibling. She felt like saying, "Hi’ya Glen, good to talk to you too, JERK OFF." But she resisted the urge.


    "Glen, I wish I would tell you where I am or how I am or who I’m with, but I just can’t do that. And I’m sure you already figured out who I’m with anyway… But that’s not the point. The point is," She paused, sighing and holding back threatening tears. Everything could not fall apart now, not again.

    "The point is, I’m okay. I’m safe and I’m not starving and I’m where I want to be. So make sure Mom and Dad don’t worry, and I may be back soon. Maybe not, who knows." She could practically feel the devistation seeping from the phone.


    "Spence, you know you’ve got yourself in deep this time. But I’ll make sure I don’t let them worry too much. I’ll tell them youre safe, and okay, and well…That’s all I know so that’s all I can really say." He paused, contemplating his next words, "And tell Ashley I said ‘Hey’" Spencer smiled into the phone, calm somewhat coming over her.

    "Oh! And tell her that if anything happens to you, she’s going to have a pretty intense problem on her hands from your big bro!" They both laughed lightly, before getting serious again.


    She rubbed her temples, "I love you, Glen. Make sure the family stays safe… And try not to let them bug Aiden too much, okay?"


    "I love you too, sis, and I’ll try. But Dad’s a wreck right now… And wreckless. So no doubt he may see Aiden without me knowing. I’ll try my best to keep an eye on the fam. Take care of yourself, and please come home sometime." She nodded though he couldn’t see, and hung up the phone.


    Heading back out to the lounge where Ashley was located, she quickly went into the bathroom and washed off her face, recleansing herself before heading to talk to the other girl.


    She snaked her arms around her girlfriend’s neck, letting her hands fall to Ashley’s chest, and whispered a hello into her ear. Ashley smiled from behind the couch, and listened to Spencer begin to talk.

    "That was Glen, he said ‘hey’ and if anything happens to me, you’re going to have a pretty bad meeting with him." She smiled and walked infront of the couch, laying down and placing her head in the brunette’s lap.


    Ashley sighed. "So what now?" Probably the most thoughtful question Spencer was asked all day.

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    1. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

    2. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

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