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    That Day Part 2


    “Dude, there definitely someone in there!” Aiden said and gave me knuckles.


    “Okay, if we’re done here, I have some business to attend to,” I said to get them to leave.


    “Yeah, yeah, we’re done, but you’re totally telling me all about this later sis!” Kyla said, walking away.


    “Finally,” I said, shutting my door and locking it. Spencer walked out of the bathroom with a face full of gratitude.


    “Thanks for covering for me, Ash… I’m just not ready yet, you know. I haven’t even thought about all of this. Everything just happened so quickly, and—“


    “Shhh, it’s okay baby,” I soothed, taking her in my arms. “I understand. It’s just us in here. Don’t worry about anything else.” Can I just say, having Spencer wrapped up in my sheets and in my arms is the last situation I thought I would find myself in today. I never imagined she felt the same about me as I do about her. I gave her a slow, deep kiss to show her my love. Now that I have her, I’m never letting her go. She snuck her tongue out to meet mine and led me back onto the bed, somehow removing my shirt and shorts and her sheets by the time we got there.


    She was taking control here. I liked it.


    She kissed down my neck and licked and sucked and bit her way to my breasts. She looked at them for a few seconds before diving in and devouring my nipples, making me moan loudly. She then kissed down my stomach and to my pussy, and let me tell you, I was ready. She had me soaked, and she knew it. She was teasing me biting and sucking on my inner thighs before taking one long and slow lick from my slit to my clit, causing me to gasp and pull her head in closer to my pussy. I couldn’t believe this was her first time giving head to a girl. She was great. She began lick my clit slowing in circles, still teasing me.

    I couldn’t take it anymore. “Spence, please,” I begged. She complied, suckling on my clit then licking it hard and fast. She repeated this pattern, licking in all different directions on my clit, making me feel amazing. I took my hands from her hair and found her hands, holding them as she built my orgasm. I could feel myself reaching the edge.

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