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    That Day Part 2


    “Spencer, baby, you’re gonna make me cum!” I yelled loud enough that I’m sure the whole neighborhood would have heard me if it weren’t for the loud music.


    Anyway, that made her double her efforts and lick even faster, bringing me over the edge, with wave after wave of pleasure sweeping through my whole body. She kissed up my stomach to my breasts and neck, holding me as I came down from cloud nine.


    “Fuck baby,” was all I could say.


    She just held me until I recovered, and it was like heaven. But I still had something to do. Literally. So I got on top of her, straddling her, ready to do what I do best. I kissed her hard and fast, letting her know what kind of sex this would be. I kissed and sucked on her neck for a little while, then moved down to her breasts. I sucked and bit her nipple while I pinched the other one, then switched. Then I kissed down her stomach, taking my time on this toned piece of art, sucking and biting, leaving my mark on the body that was now mine. When I got to her pussy I didn’t waste time teasing. I knew she needed me just as much as I needed to have her. I stuck my tongue in her slit, licking all around to make her moan. Then I found her clit and let my tongue run over it fast but softly to slowly work up to her orgasm. I stuck two fingers inside her while I licked her clit and pumped hard and fast inside her, make her cry out in ecstasy. I could tell she was close, so I moved my fingers and tongue even faster.


    “Fuck, Ash, I’m cumming!!!!!” she screamed, and I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood did hear it despite the bumping music. I let her ride out her orgasm on my fingers and then I kissed up her body and landed a chaste and innocent kiss on her beautiful plump lips.


    We laid there for what felt like hours before deciding that we shouldn’t miss the whole party and that Kyla was probably still looking for my Spencer. My Spencer. I liked the sound of that.

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