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    That Day Part 2


    “Thanks, Ash…” Spencer said quietly just before we snuck out of my room.


    “For what, babe?”


    “For making me see who I really am. I know it took me a while, but I’m so glad it happened. I’m so glad we happened. I love you. And I have loved you for longer than I really know,” she spilled out.


    “We were meant to be together, Spence, no need to thank me. I love you,” I said, kissing her one last time before it was back to reality. She snuck downstairs with me staying up in my room so that we didn’t look suspicious. I watched as she got outside and jumped right in the pool so as not to allow anyone to smell the sex on her or see her sex hair. She resurfaced, and all I could think about was how beautiful she looked and that she was all mine. I snapped out of my reverie, realizing that I should rejoin the party.


    As I got downstairs, I grabbed a beer and walked around for a little bit to find Kyla. When I finally found her, she was talking with Spencer by the pool chairs.


    “Spence, what are those marks on your stomach from?” she asked, eying them carefully.


    “Uhh, they must be from pulling myself up out of the pool. You know, the stone is rough when your stomach scrapes along it,” she said nervously, laughing awkwardly at the end.


    “Oh, weird. They look almost like… Hickeys,” Kyla replied, seemingly believing Spencer for now.


    “Hey Kyla,” I said, walking up beaming. “Hey sexy,” I winked at Spencer.


    “What’s got you so happy?” Spencer asked, playing the fool.


    “Oh, nothing. I’m just having a really nice start to my summer, that’s all,” I replied.


    “Ash got laid,” Kyla added bluntly. “We don’t know by who, though.”


    “Oh, good for you Ash. Was it good?” she asked slyly.


    “Definitely,” I replied. “Best I’ve ever had.”


    “Ew. Enough,” Kyla said. “Anyway, where have you been Spence?”


    “Having the time of my life and discovering some new things,” she answered, making eye contact with me and smiling.


    “Okay, this is weird. What’s up with you two? You’re all smiley and acting strange,” Aiden said walking up.


    “Ash won’t reveal the mystery girl in her room. And Spencer was just telling us what she was up to… In the vaguest way possible,” Kyla caught up her boyfriend quickly.


    “What’s on your stomach, Spencer?” he asked.


    “I scraped my stomach getting out of the pool. What’s up with this third degree, guys?1 I’m getting a drink!” she yelled and stormed off. Kyla followed, so it was just me and Aiden.


    “Well, someone is looking pretty happy,” he said.


    “Yeah, I am,” I said simply, smiling from ear to ear. He gave me a high five suddenly. “What was that for?” I asked.


    “It was her, wasn’t it?”


    “What was who???” I asked, confused.


    “It was Spencer, in your room, huh?” he asked quietly. “Kyla might be slow, but I’m not buying it, so don’t even bother lying.”


    “How’d you know, Aid?” I asked just as quietly.


    “Those smiles on your faces, the weird eye contact, Spencer’s stomach and disappearance, not to mention the fact that you wouldn’t have left this party for anyone who wasn’t her. I know how much you like her, Ash. I’ve seen it in your eyes. So good for you two. I wish you both the best,” he finished, smiling widely at me.


    “Please don’t tell anyone, Aid. She’s not ready,” I pleaded with him.


    “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me,” he promised, and I trusted him. “Enough of all this serious mushy stuff, let’s party!”


    I grabbed my drink and jumped up on the deck, dancing with Aiden and just having fun.


    That day was the best day of my life.



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