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    That Day


    “Hey, Spence, could you get my back for me?” she asked politely. I guess it couldn’t do much harm.


    “Sure, here,” I said, extending my hand, taking the lotion from her, and squirting some into my hand. She turned around, and we both gasped when I touched her back. A tingle shot through me at the contact. Probably just static electricity. And she probably just gasped because of the cold lotion, right? When I finally came to that conclusion, I was already done with her back, so I told her, “All done.”


    “Sweet,” she said, short of breath, “now I have to repay the favor.” There’s that signature wink again.


    “Uh, yeah, here you go,” I said, handing her the sunscreen. When she touched my back it was like sparks shot through me. That, combined with the cold sunscreen, made me gasp loudly. I think I heard her take a breath as well. Weird. She’s still rubbing my back. Also weird. I like it. The weirdest thing yet. Before I could think about any more weird stuff, Kyla came outside, and I leaped away from Ashley’s wandering hands. “Hi Kyla!” I said flustered.


    “Uh, hey Spence. I just saw you about five minutes ago. And why are you breathing so heavily?” she asked.


    “I don’t know, why are you?!” I demanded.


    “I’m not…?” she replied.


    “Well maybe you should be. I’m going swimming,” I said and dove in before I could say anything else that would be idiotic and make me want to superglue my mouth shut forever.


    “What’s up with her?” I heard Kyla ask when I resurfaced.


    “Maybe someone got her a little excited,” Ashley provided, smirking.


    “Ha ha, very funny Ash. Too bad she’s straight,” Kyla stated.


    “We’ll see about that,” Ashley muttered. Kyla just rolled her eyes and shook her head.


    Suddenly Aiden came out, beer in hand, with a large smile on his face.


    “Who’s ready to party?!” he shouted.


    People were starting to file in, and I was no longer the only one in the pool. Girls and guys alike were swimming around, splashing, and dancing to the music. In no time the deck and pool were packed with people grinding to the music and drinking heavily. Kyla brought me a drink, so I wouldn’t be left out of the drinking, and people were all around me grinding, so I definitely wasn’t left out of that. I just swayed with the music until someone squeezed behind me and grabbed my hips.

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