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    That Day


    Before I had the chance to turn around and see who it was, a sultry voice whispered in my ear, “Hey, sexy.”


    I would know that voice anywhere. It belonged to Ashley. Suddenly I felt butterflies in my stomach but made no move to get away, as I was frozen in my spot.


    “What’s wrong, Spence, cat got your tongue?”


    I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to be feeling these feelings right now. Finally, I found my legs and began to move away from her, but she tightened her grip and pulled me back in.


    “Come on, Spence, don’t pretend like you don’t want this as much as I do. I know you felt it earlier. You can’t escape this,” she whispered against my ear, giving me goose bumps despite the hot LA day.


    “I need to go get more sunscreen for my legs,” I said, escaping her grip and hurrying through the crowd and out of the pool.


    What is happening to me? Why is it happening? This has got to be the weirdest day of my life. It’s probably just because the alcohol is making me horny. I need to sober up.


    I went to the kitchen in search of some water and something to eat, but all the cabinets were locked.


    Kyla probably has something in her room!


    I took my water and made my way away from the party and upstairs into Kyla’s room where I found some crackers and peanut butter. Perfect. I ate some, but my head was still spinning from the recent events combined with my alcohol-clouded mind. To make matters worse, that sultry voice showed up behind me again.


    “Hey, sexy. Why you hiding from the party? Something getting to you?” she asked, with a huge smirk painting her face. I wasn’t going to let her have the pleasure of knowing that she was, indeed, getting to me.


    “Yeah, the alcohol,” I said.


    “Don’t lie to me, Spencer, we both know you better than that. You can handle your alcohol, I’ve seen it a million times,” she countered. Damn, she was right. And she was getting closer to me.

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