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    That Day


    “Wh-what are you doing?”


    “Come with me, Spence. I want to show you something,” she said, hand extended. There was no way out of this one. Hell, we both knew I was interested. I took her hand and followed her to her room. She closed the door after I was inside. I knew what was coming, but I didn’t know if I was ready for it. She walked backwards to the back of her sofa and pulled me with her, close to her. She broke contact with my hand and caressed my face. Her cocky demeanor was gone, replaced by something I couldn’t place with her. This was not the same Ashley I had ever seen around. This was someone totally new.


    “Spencer, I know you feel the same way I feel about you, even if you never realized it until today. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. It’s you, Spence, it’s always been you. For years I never realized because I was too busy fucking anything with a pulse and you were just my sister’s hot best friend, but now I know. It’s you,” she whispered the last part close to my lips. She was closing in, I closed my eyes, allowing our lips to touch for one split second before pulling away quickly.


    “Ashley, I can’t. I-I’m straight. I-I’m scared.”


    “Shhhh, it’s okay. Just let it happen. This is so right. There’s nothing else here. No one else. No labels. Just us.”


    And with that she captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I’ve never felt a kiss with so much emotion attached. I could feel her feelings while she kissed me. It was innocent at first, just lips moving on lips, but then I became hungry for her. My stomach became a pit of fire whose thirst could only be sated by her. My tongue snaked out to meet her lips and ask for entry. I was granted permission quickly, and my tongue found hers. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed more. I need contact. Skin to skin contact. She read my mind, untying my bikini top and flinging it somewhere across the room. Hers soon followed, and she led us to the bed where she pulled me down on top of her, breast to breast, our lips never parting. The feeling was amazing, better than any I’d ever felt in my life. It was like fireworks in my chest. At that point, I could not have stopped even if I’d wanted to. I try to pry her bottoms off, but I couldn’t do that and hold myself up tokiss her at the same time, so I briefly broke our kiss to utter a simple word.




    She complied quickly and even took the liberty of removing mine as well. We were fiercely making out now. Our thirsts for each other could not be quenched. My legs found her pussy and hers found mine, and we simultaneously began grinding hard and fast. We both needed this. We were both so close. We would both soon find release.


    “Fuck, Spencer, I’m gonna cum baby!”


    That sent me over the edge. I screamed her name, and my juices flowed out of me with each spasm of my body. Her orgasm began right after mine. We held each other as we rode out the waves of pleasure that flowed through us.


    “That was the best I’ve ever had, Spence.”


    “Really, out of all those girls?” I asked, skeptical.


    “Yes, you, and only you,” she responded without a second thought. “I-I love you Spencer.”


    That one took me by surprise. The great Ashley Davies loved me? Me? Of all people, the straight girl, her sister’s best friend?! But what surprised me most was that I knew, deep down, how I truly felt about her. I loved her too. She got a worried look on her face and turned away from me. I didn’t know what was going on until I realized that I’d been silent for a while.


    “Ash… Ash! Look at me. I love you too, baby.”






    Knock knock



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