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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: 11 [Saturday Afternoon])

    Well I guess that’s as good a way as any. And I need Ashley by me, she’s my armor, she makes me fell safe, even before the past couple of days, just in class I felt safe around this girl, so how am I supposed to ask her to come with me, how do I tell her that she’s my safety blanket, and I’ve only official known her for a couple days, barely even a week.

    “You know, I’ll be there with you when you want to tell your parents” She said, as she was looking at the road. Well, that was pretty easy.

    “Will you really?” I asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it from her again.

    “Of course, I’ll always be there for you” She says as she grabs my hand and starts rubbing circles on the back with her thumb.

    “Another question, how did you know what I was thinking about” I asked her, curious, I knew we were close, but to read my mind, that’s just weird.

    “I saw that cute face you put when you’re thinking really hard, and I just guessed it was about your family, and us” She put on that wide grin, the one you can’t do anything but smile too, yep, that’s the one.

    We just rode in silence, the rest of the way, of course our hands never once losing contact. We finally reached her house and we each carried our bags and walked into the house. There was Christine just watching TV on the couch.

    “Hey mom” Ashley said as she placed down her bags down and sat down on the couch next to her mom. I placed the bags down and headed towards the love seat so I could sit down too. But I was stopped with Ashley’s hand pulling mine.

    “Hey where are you going?” Ashley asked as she pulled me down onto her lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist and went back to watching the TV. All the wasted energy from walking around the mall all day finally hit me, as I felt Ashley’s lap so comfortable, and her arms so safe, I closed my eyes and just knocked out.

    I’m woken up a delicious smell. I look around and everything’s dark, except a light coming from the kitchen, and some candles in the corner of the room on a table. I get up and walk to the kitchen and see Ashley there, looking beautiful in a red dress

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    1. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

    2. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

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