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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: 11 [Saturday Afternoon])

    I wrap my arms around her waist, and I feel her jump a bit before she realizes it’s me and she turns around and kisses me.

    “It smells good” I say, my eyes closed, the light bothering them.

    “It better, spent like two hours on it” She said as she looked around for something.

    ”I was asleep for two hours?” I ask her, I don’t usually take random naps during the afternoon.

    “No, you were asleep for like 3 or 4” She said, grabbing the spoon she was looking for.

    “Oh” I say, even more surprised.

    “So why you all dressed up” I said, where we going somewhere?

    “Well, me and you are going to have dinner” She said turning around and looking at me.

    “Go upstairs, and shower, and get dressed and come down” She said grabbing the hem of my shirt.

    “You have 1 hour and that should be enough time, even for you” She said as she kissed my lips, so softly, yet so hard.

    “Hey I don’t take that long” I really don’t, well I don’t think I take that long.

    “Well anyway, hurry up, we got the house to ourselves” She said raising her eyebrow and biting her bottom lip.

    “Are you implying that we are going to do something tonight that your mom should be out of the house for” I said looking into her eyes, seeing them turn a darker shade of brown.

    “Why Spencer, how could you think that, I was just implying that to show you your present, maybe my mom shouldn’t be in the house” She said, sticking out her bottom lip, she’s trying the whole innocent act.

    “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild.

    “Well, while you were watching the little kids in the playground, I stopped by at Vicky’s and bought a little something I thought you might want to see me in” She said almost whispering it, as if it were a big secret.

    “Really what did you buy?” I ask, my mind running even wilder than before.

    “You’ll see” She said as she kissed my nose and turned around back to the stove

    “Now go upstairs, everything’s ready for you, so go, you have one hour babe” She said, keeping her attention on the food she was preparing. I walked up behind her again, lifting the bottom of her dress, and putting my hands on her waste.

    “Spence, what are you doing?” She asked, her voice cracked, and he breathing becoming more rapid.

    “You know when little kids ask if they can shake the box of their present, so they have an idea of what they’re going to get” I whispered to her. She just nodded her head up and down, as I ran my hand up her sides and right next to those breasts.

    “Well this is me shaking the box” I said, as I grabbed her breasts, squeezing them lightly, feeling the bra cover up those breasts. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me. I moved my hands down her back and felt her ass, she had a g-string on and oh god I can’t wait to see it.

    I slap her ass and walk away, knowing very well what I just did, knowing I was going to pay later for what I did, but I wanted to get ready, the sooner the dinner was over, the sooner her dress was coming off.

    “You are so going to pay for that” She yelled out as I reached the top of the stairs.

    I know. I know.

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    1. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

    2. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

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