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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday Afternoon [Chapter 9])

    “My intentions are to keep her up all night with just random gossip, as well as some scary movies and a bunch of junk food” She says with an even wider smile as she looks at me.

    “Oh, except Sunday night, we will have school the next day, so we have to be in bed early” She added like the good girl she was pretending to be.

    I couldn’t help but smile and blush lightly just looking at her smile, at her innocence, even if it is completely fake.

    “Well that’s good to know” My mom said as she lightly chuckled at Ashley’s answer.

    “Nice, straight to the point, I like that” My dad said as he smiled and let out a small chuckle also.

    “Well I think I’ve embarrassed Spencer enough for now” He said as he and my mom got up and each gave me a hug and a kiss before letting me go.

    I grabbed my bags and Ashley opened her trunk helping me put the things inside the trunk before we finally closed it and got into the car.

    Ashley turned on her car and we rode out of the driveway, and as we came to the first red light I yelled.

    “Ashley park right there” She immediately turned and parked there, earning us a honk and an angry driver flipping us off before Ashley looked at me worried.

    “What’s wrong Spence?” She asked with concern.

    “This” I said as I straddled her and kissed her, I kissed her with everything I had

    I cupped her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck, each of us pulling each other closer, close that it was impossible for either of us to break this kiss.

    But after a while, we both ran out of breathe, simultaneously breaking contact and just resting heads against the other.

    “I love you so much” I say quickly. The red quickly invading my face as I grab her hands, which are paced in between us.

    “I love you so much more” She replied as she squeezed my hands and pecking me on the lips again.

    “But if you scream like that when I’m driving again, I will kill you” She said with a sly smile on that gorgeous face.

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    1. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    2. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    3. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

    4. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

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