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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday Afternoon [Chapter 9])

    “Sorry, I just needed to kiss you” I laughed a bit at my neediness.

    “It’s all right, it feels good to be needed” She smiled.

    “So let’s head home” she added.

    “Okay” I just replied and kept looking into her eyes.

    “It would make it easier if you were in the passenger’s seat” She said as she laughed and I just blushed even more before returning to my seat.

    We rode home, I grabbed her hand of course, and we just drove in silence, the radio on just loud enough to sound like background music.

    We got to Ashley’s house and as we carried my things inside, I enjoyed the view of Ashley’s ass as she walked ahead of me.

    I unconsciously licked my lips before seeing her open the door as we walked in. Now her house made mine look like a shack, but she had already told me about her mansion, I already knew about her life, her rock star dad, her ‘slut’ of a mom, in her words of course.

    I just smiled and nodded during our conversation, slowly but surely taking in all the information.

    As we walked to her room, as soon as I put my stuff down, I was slammed hard against the bedroom door. Pain suddenly became pleasure as Ashley’s tongue massaged mine, ever so lightly, I could taste strawberry, and it’s just so delicious, god I could never get tired of this.

    My hands pulling on her hair, her lips moving from my mouth to my neck, leaving her mark, as if I was her territory, making sure no one is allowed to touch me except her.

    I just let it happen, the possessiveness making me hotter and hotter by the second. She stops and looks into my eyes, seeing those beautiful hazel eyes turn the darkest shade of brown I have ever seen right before my eyes.

    I push her so hard, and I can see her confused by my action. That is until she looks behind her and notices her bed is right there. She looks at me and smiles, as her eyes turn that dark brown color once again as she lies herself on her bed and indicates me to join her.

    So maybe my push on the bed idea didn’t work, but she got the point, I walk towards her and straddle her, as our lips meet again, and again, and again. This time I decide to leave a mark. Right where I know drives her crazy, on that spot that makes her moan, the spot that I can locate with my eyes closed on the neck of hers.

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    1. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    2. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    3. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

    4. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

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