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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday Afternoon [Chapter 9])

    I can hear her panting, more and more the more I suck on that one spot. I bite down, I hear her whimper, sending so many chills through my body. I smile as I look at her, look into her eyes, and see what we both haven’t said yet, those three words we haven’t said yet, but I can see them, I know they’re their, just waiting to explode.

    Just waiting to be said to give us both the relief, for both of us to let go of that breath we don’t know we’re holding, just those words the seal the deal on this relationship, just to know that this is it, and not in a bad way, no not at all.

    In the best way possible, those words so we know this is actually forever, and for the first time I’ve decided to make the first move, I am in charge of my future, and if I want this girl in it, I have to make the first move, because I don’t want anything coming in the way of this.

    This girl, and what she’s made me, she’s my safety net, my reason for everything, my world. I didn’t this I could feel this way about any one, I never thought I would fall this hard in love. I never thought that this was love, but this couldn’t possibly be love, love is something you can fall out of, no, this more, so much more.

    I know I will never fall out of love with this girl, she just too perfect, to great, nothing could ever replace her, oh god, I just can’t believe how lucky I am.

    “Spence, you all right” Her angelic voice breaks me out of my daze. I smile at her.

    “I knew you could get lost in my eyes, but wow, I better watch it if I look in the mirror, don’t want to get lost forever” She says with a smile, those eyes back to their normal color, and they look better like that.

    “Yeah, they’re just that great, just like you” I say as a blush immediately reaches my face.

    “Oh god Spence, we’re not going to be one of those really annoying mushy couples are we” She asks with a small chuckle as she moves her head back onto the bed.

    “Ash, look at me” I say, ready to go for it, ready to say those three little words I know she’s dying to hear, and I’m waiting to hear her response too.

    “Ashley Davies, I” Then my phone rings, that completely annoying ring tone that no matter how many times I try to change it, in never does, ugh.

    I get off Ashley, and look for my phone in one of my bags. I finally find it and flip it open ready to call which ever of my parental units is calling me.

    “Hi Mom” I groan, of course, who else would call me at this moment.

    “Yeah mom, I’ll call you if I need anything or want to go back home” I say as I try and hurry up the conversation with my mom, I have things to do, words to say, feelings to express, hurry the hell up mom.

    “Bye Mom” I hang up and head back to the bed. I’m ready to straddle the girl when she gets up and stretches. And with her shirt, already showing her abs without her stretching, I can see the bottom of Ashley’s bra, and I immediately imagine this girl naked.

    God she must have a perfect body, just look at those legs, that ass. Oh god, I have to get my mind out of the gutter, I’m innocent Spencer Carlin.

    “Get ready we’re going out” She says as she walks into her closet. Of course it’s a walk in closet, that’s why she walked in, oh god you guys are stupid.

    “Where are we going” I say whining, wondering what the hell is more important than me expressing my undying love for this girl.

    “We’re going dancing” She says from the closet. Ashley grinding into me, and my hands roaming her body, yeah I can see how that is more important.

    I guess we’re going dancing then.

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    1. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    2. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    3. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

    4. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

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