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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday [Chapter 8])

    We arrived to my class and she gave me a light slap on the ass before walking away. I just looked at her waiting for her to look back and blow me that kiss. And, there it is, I immediately smile and blow her a kiss back.

    I walk into my class and immediately feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take my seat and check the text message I just received.

    I love you

    Sure we hadn’t said those three little words face to face yet, but we did know it. When we spoke over the phone we would constantly say it, but not actually face to face. I was hoping she was the one to say it first. Just so I can see the look on her face, just to see if she really means it, not saying I don’t believe her, it’s just that I want to make sure.

    I love you more

    I reply and as the teacher hands out our class work, all I can concentrate is on Ashley, and how great she is. How much I do love her, and just want to be with her, forever. Then it suddenly hit me, sex.

    I wasn’t exactly experienced, neither boys nor girls. What if Ashley wants to have sex with me, do I just let her have it, or should I make her wait, what if I’m not ready, but what if she doesn’t want to wait. A million things running through my head and I get snapped out of it, as I feel my pocket start to vibrate.

    Impossible nd Im gonna show ya how much

    I immediately text back without even thinking, it’s just the thoughts are invading my mind.

    Is that all this is to you

    My leg starts shaking as I impatiently wait for Ashley to respond to my text message. I have no idea what to think now. I can’t believe it, I was happy just a few minutes ago, but now, I’m not so sure.

    Wat R U tlkn bout baby

    I read the response and once again, my fingers just take over the key pad without letting my mind process what I’m doing.

    Is this just for the sex

    The bell rings for second period and I grab my books and try to get to my second class fast so I don’t run into Ashley.

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