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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday [Chapter 8])

    But there she is waiting for me. She sees me and she looks mad. She grabs my arm and pulls me with her. We head towards the parking lot, and we reach her car.

    “Get in” she orders. I just stand there not sure if I should get into the car.

    “Now” She raises her voice her a little bit. I get in the car and Ashley just turns on the car and we drive off.

    I look at her and she just looks at the road as she drives. I know why she’s mad, we’ve spoken about her past, nothing to be too proud of, except recently, how’s she changed, no drugs, no drinks, and especially the no more faceless sex she’s had with random guys. She’s been clean for a while now, and I was happy when she told me this, it meant she trusted me, and if she could trust me, I knew that I could trust her and forget about her past. I mean it was the past.

    We finally stop and I see the ocean. Ashley gets out of her car and heads to the trunk. She takes out a blanket and heads towards the beach. She just keeps walking, and I guess I should follow.

    I follow Ashley as she goes to a pretty secluded area. She places the blanket down and sits down, I sit down next to her and we just watch the ocean. I try and grab her hand but she immediately pulls her hand back and places both her hands on her lap.

    I look at her, but she doesn’t look at me. But if she did she would see the hurt and regret in my eyes. I want to say something, but I don’t know what to say.

    “I love”

    “Really Spencer, you love me?” She cuts me off. She says it like a sarcastic question. She turns to look at me and I just nod my head.

    “Tell me Spencer, have I pressured you once into having sex with me?” She asks. I just look down and nod a simple ‘no’ as I feel the tears start to invade my eyes.

    “Have I done something to make you think I just want sex from you?” She asks again. Now the tears just start flowing from my eyes as once again I nod a ‘no’

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