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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday [Chapter 8])

    “No, you don’t get to cry” She says to me.

    “Do you know what it feels like to be asked by the person you loved, that if the only reason they’re in a relationship with them just for the sex” I just nod my head, the tears just don’t stop.

    “Of course not, but I guess it hurts more to assume someone is sex crazed maniac than the person being called that huh?” More sarcasm and venom just spilling out of her mouth.

    “I can’t take this” She says as she turns to get up. I immediately jump on her, straddling her, and kissing her. She tries at first to break the kiss, but eventually she kisses me back, we just lay there kissing, me trying to apologize with my kiss, giving her all I can with this kiss.

    “I love you, so, so much” I whisper as we continue kissing.

    I grab her hands and pin them above her head. I break the kiss and look into her eyes, they’re back to normal. I kiss her again before speaking.

    “I didn’t mean it like that, it just like came out” I say, hoping she’ll understand.

    “I was just thinking about our future, about us, about everything we could do together, and then I just thought about sex, about how our first time was going to be great, and I just couldn’t help but think maybe you just wanted this for the sex.” I say as the tears start to subside.

    “I don’t know why, but I know you love me, you wouldn’t do that to me, I just don’t know what happened I really don’t. I’m so sorry, so, so sorry.” I kissed her again.

    “You were thinking about our future” I see her smile so wide, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so happy. I blush and look away and try to cover my face with my hands.

    Ashley pulls my hands off my face and pulls my face towards her as we kiss again.

    “You know what I’m going to have to do now?” I hear her ask. I just nod my head for what seems the millionth time today.

    “I’m going to have to kill you” She says with a serious face as she looks around. I look around and see nobody around. I chuckle before getting up and running away. Ashley chases me around for a bit before tackling me to the ground and just continues to kiss me.

    “You do know it really going to be amazing” She says.

    “What?” I ask not knowing what she’s talking about.

    “Our first time, its going to be the greatest thing ever” I just nod my head ‘yes’ for the first time today, knowing for some strange reason she’s right, and now, wanting her as bad as I ever have.

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