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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Saturday [Chapter 10])

    “You’re going to eventually get tired of that whiny voice she has” she said with a smile on her face.

    “Get out while you can” She says almost immediately breaking into laughter.

    “You better go see her, she goes crazy if she doesn’t get her way, again, nice to meet you Spencer, hope to see you soon” And with that she’s off.

    “Spencer, you are at like 45” She yells again causing me to laugh even harder.

    “Ash, I didn’t even get to use the bathroom yet” I say.

    “Okay then, I’ll start from 40, go” She says before I start laughing again and taking my time just to annoy her.

    I get back to the room to find Ashley, wide awake just staring at the ceiling. I close her door, take off the robe, and slide into bed with her.

    “You’re late, I could’ve counted to a million, and back to zero” She said as she laced our fingers together.

    I just smiled and nodded, turning to look at her quickly, and giving her a peck on the cheek.

    “What was that for?” She said with a smile plastered on her face as she turned to look at me.

    “For last night, I had the best time, we had the best time” I say wit a smile, last night was just great, it really was.

    See, we got to the club, of course it was full but we were lucky enough to see a group get up and leave so we immediately went over and sat in the booth. Ashley of course got up as soon as we sat down and went away.

    A few minutes later she came back with some drinks, I’m not sure what it was, but it must’ve been like 110 alcohol, I immediately felt my throat dry up and burn from the drink.

    Ashley immediately started kissing me, using her tongue to explore my mouth, for the first of many times for the night.

    I smiled and pointed towards the drink on the table and quickly shook my head ‘no’. She raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of hers and then shook her head, as if she understood why.

    She switched our drinks and pointed towards my new drink and told me to drink. I took a sip, and there it was, the good old 6 alcohol I can drink smoothly, sort of.

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