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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Saturday [Chapter 10])

    As soon as Ashley was finished with her drink she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor.

    We started dancing normally, like two friends, who are just out hanging out. Then the song ended, and as soon as the next song came on I saw Ashley push me towards the wall, as my back hit the wall, she turned around and started grinding into me.

    I immediately put my hand son her hips, and started moving with her, matching her, going up and down, side to side, everything, even pulling her into me more.

    Soon she turned around me and she started kissing me against the wall. Still moving to the music, as my hands still at her hips, kept moving with her, as she soon attacked my neck, sucking on that one point, that one place that drives me crazy, and she knows it does, she’s doing it purposely.

    She continues before heading back to my lips, pecking at them, before she just cups my face and smiles, that smile I saw earlier, the one where she wants to say those three little words, but she doesn’t even if she did I wouldn’t be able to hear it.

    With all the noise in the club, it would be impossible to hear, that’s why we basically haven’t said a word to each other the whole time we’ve been here.

    A slow song came up, and she took my hands that were on her hips and put them around her neck, as she places her hands on my hips. We moved back onto the dance floor as we just danced, looked into each others eyes, saying everything we haven’t said yet, everything that was just understood with us.

    But we would eventually have to say these things, for no reason in particular, its just a scream it out to the world sort of thing, so everybody knows, so no one doubts what we have is real.

    We eventually got tired and both went back to our booth, we drank some more, danced some more, even made out some more, as if anyone was to notice here.

    Eventually we just got too tired, we decided to head home. Also I didn’t know how long I could control my hands if she kept grinding on me the way she has been. Of course with both of us sort of buzzed, we called a cab.

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