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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Saturday [Chapter 10])

    We got to Ashley’s house and she paid the driver and we got inside. We just headed into the kitchen, talked about everything and nothing at the same time, we started eating chips and donuts, and all types of junk food, which we eventually took into the living room and started watching TV.

    Ashley finally settled on a channel, HBO, and they were playing some sort of horror movie, of course I immediately grabbed Ashley’s hand and snuggled in close to her, of course the movie wasn’t that scary, but was there a better excuse for snuggling up with Ashley.

    The movie finally ended and we looked at the clock on the wall right above the TV. 3 a.m. And I wasn’t even tired, just happy, with that stupid smile on my face that I couldn’t hide. It’s been on my face since I snuggled up with Ashley, and it wouldn’t go away, not that I minded it that much.

    We just stayed there eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

    And that’s where we are right now, my bladder finally empty, and us just sharing this moment, both of us, just holding hands, and it’s just so perfect, almost too good to be true.

    “So what are we doing today?” I ask her, wanting to know what plans she has for us today.

    “Mind-blowing sex” She said as I looked at her and saw that stupid msile that I love so much.

    “And what am I going to do?” I ask her, getting a slight chuckle from her.

    “You can watch if you want” She says and she turned and draped her arm around my waist, this time her head snuggling in my neck, making those pterodactyls in my stomach just start crashing into each other.

    We just lay there for a couple of minutes and I figure now is as good a time as ever.

    “Ashley, I love you” There it is, finally, its been said, now just to wait for the response.


    I look down at Ashley and I can see her eyes closed and her breath ever so lightly tickling my neck.

    Crap. She’s asleep, I finally get to say it and she’s asleep.

    I close my eyes and hope sleep can come as easily as it did to Ashley, because I am tired, we were up till late last night, and I can feel my self start to drift off the sleep, but not before I hear Ashley whisper.

    “I love you too”

    And that stupid smile is back on my face.

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