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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday Afternoon [Chapter 7])

    “Well you know the rest” My mom says.

    “Yes mom, back by 11, no drinking, no smoking, no sex, etcetera, etcetera.”

    “Good girl” She just responds as she keeps watching the television.

    “Call if you’re going to be late Spencer, but you can’t be out too late, school night” She adds. I just nod my head and look down at my shoes. Stupid school.

    “Okay she’s here, see you guys later” I say as soon as I hear the car horn.

    “Goodbye” they say simultaneously as I walk out. I see her look at me and smile as she gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

    “Aw, how cute” I say. She just smiles and blushes as she runs pack to the driver’s side and gets in. She starts the car and just backs out of the driveway and drives about half a block before parking and she just looks at me.

    I look at her and wonder what we’re doing here. She jumps on top of me straddling me and starts kissing me. I put my arms around her neck and pull her deeper into the kiss as out tongues fight for dominance. We break apart and rest our foreheads on each other’s.

    “God I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you walking towards the car” She smiles as she licks her lips.

    “God I’ve missed the taste for the longest.” She says as she turns red and goes back to her side of the car and she starts driving. I just sit there with the widest smile, looking like an idiot.

    “So where are we going?” I ask her

    “Dancing” She just says with a smile.

    “Um, Ashley, I can’t dance” I just say. She looks at me and smiles.

    “Trust me it’s easy” She says. I just smile and nod my head.

    “Especially since you’re going to have the best teacher in the world” She adds. I look at her and laugh a bit.

    “Who’s going to be my teacher?” I ask. She smiles wide and she just points to herself with her index finger.

    “What is my teacher behind you or something?” I ask with a laugh as I look around her outside.

    “Ouch Spence, that one hurt” She gives me the old puppy dog pout.

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    1. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

    2. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

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