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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday Afternoon [Chapter 7])

    She moved up my neck to my mouth. As she used her tongue to explore my mouth in the background I heard the music slowly come to an end and so did our kiss. I watched Ashley turn around and take my hand as we headed back towards the booth.

    We drank, talked, laughed, held hands, kissed, everything a perfect first date should contain. Even if we were a little more ahead than just a first date. As wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. We walked, although awkwardly, towards the car. She once again opened the door for me and I smiled and got in. She soon got in and we were on our way.

    “Did you eat before I picked you up Spence?” She asked me. I nodded my head and smiled.

    “Yeah, I had a sandwich”

    “Okay, we’re going to try this again. Spencer, did you have any real food?” I just laughed and looked at her.

    “Guess not” I said. She smiled as she sped down Main St. We stopped at a nice Italian restaurant as she gave her keys to the valet.

    “Umm, Ash” I whispered to her. As we walked into the restaurant hand in hand.

    “What Spence?” She asked as we were shown to our seats and given our menus.

    “Don’t you think this is a bit expensive?” I asked as I looked at the menu and saw nothing with just a single digit before the decimals. And not even like low two digit numbers, but pretty big ones, 17.50 for a hamburger.

    “Spence please don’t worry about price, I want this to be special, and besides, nothing it to good for my Spence” She said as she smiled. She looked at her menu as I looked at mine.

    We order our food, Spaghetti for me and some other sort of pasta for Ashley. We just talked, and flirted of course, we held hands, as we played footsies. Out food eventually came and we ate in silence, the occasional glances and smiles as we looked each other.

    We were in the car singing with the radio, full, well bloated actually, we ate, had desert, and some more desert. It was delicious, well until the bill came, I was tempted to just throw up, and give the food back. But Ashley paid for the bill with a big smile and even left a very generous tip.

    We reached my house at 10:55, 5 minutes before I was actually supposed to be home. So that was good, you know eventually when I tell my parents Ashley is my girlfriend, they’ll know she at least got me home on time.

    Making sure no one was looking, I kissed Ashley, quickly, but passionately enough to see her beautiful smile just make me weak at the knees. I laughed and walked away, as I turned around to see Ashley checking me out. I waved a goodbye as I walked into the house to see my mom and my dad sleeping on the couch, with just a blue screen on the TV.

    I closed the door and my dad woke up and looked at me. He looked at the clock on the wall and smiled.

    “Spence, I like your new friend already.” I just smiled and nodded as I started heading upstairs.

    “So did you have fun honey?” I heard dad yell from downstairs.

    “Yeah, dad, I got some dancing lessons” I yelled back as I smiled and the throbbing between my legs started up again just imagining Ashley grinding into me.

    “That’s great honey, is she a good teacher” He yelled up.

    “The best” I responded before entering my room and getting my bath robe and heading towards the shower. I needed one, preferably cold.

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    1. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

    2. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

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