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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday [Chapter 6])

    She cups my center making she doesn’t actually touch me, she gets back up and kisses me again. She leans in again and licks my earlobe and bites on it a bit.

    “God you’re so hot, and I know you’re just as wet as I am, and it’s not because of the shower” She whispers again and there I can feel myself getting ready for an orgasm just to explode out of my body.

    She gets back down on her knees and places kisses on my thighs and I look down to see her looking at my center and just licking her lips. Next thing I know I hear my phone ring. I look up for a second and look back down at Ashley. She gets up and motions me to get out of the shower. I shake my head no and see Ashley give me her serious look and point towards the bathroom door. I look at her apologetically and get out and wrap the towel around myself. I look at my caller ID and see it’s my mom.

    “Yes mom” I say sort of irritated she just interrupted something I’ve been wanting for a while now.

    “Hey honey, just making sure you’re heading to school today” She says. I let out a sigh and just look at the clock.

    “Yes mom, I’m about to take a shower, and I have an hour left so don’t worry I’m going to make it” I say and look at the bathroom door and see Ashley come out. I frown and want to just cuss of my mom right now.

    “Mom I got to go take a shower” I cut her off form telling me whatever lecture she was giving me.

    “Okay honey, see you tonight” She says and hangs up.

    “Who was it?” Ashley asks as I flip the phone closed.

    “My mom, just making sure I get to school, can’t miss school you know” I say sarcastically.

    “Well then she would be pretty pissed off about yesterday” Ashley says as she giggles a bit. God the cutest giggle you could ever hear.

    “Yeah, so you don’t with you’re shower?” I decide to ask her hoping she says no, even though the answer seems pretty obvious.

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