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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday [Chapter 6])

    “Yes, so hurry up we got to get to school” She says with a smile and blows me a kiss. God damn it mom, I was about to have the greatest shower ever, but my mom always has to ruin everything.

    After a quick shower and a quick change, well a slow change, I knew Ashley was watching, so I basically took my time changing, a little bit too much time since we kind of got late to school. But there was an upside to that, everyone was in class so we had a quick make out session before class.

    “See you in English okay baby” She says as she gives me a quick peck on the lips. I smile and just nod my head as she walks away. I go to my first class and give the teacher the late pass. I take my normal seat and then quickly hear someone take the empty seat behind me. I turn around and see a smiling Aiden behind me.

    “Oh hey Aiden” I say and turn back to the front.

    “I heard you left Ashley very flustered this morning” He whispers. I look back at him and remember the morning events that took place, well that almost took place.

    “Does Ashley always tell you everything” I ask him, kind of mad she told him about that.

    “No, but she wants to make sure she’s not fucking this up” He says. I smile, I guesses she wants advice on relationships.

    “Has she ever had a relationship, with like a boyfriend” I say.

    “Yeah, but they don’t last too long” He says. I kind of smile not sure if I’m just another one of those short relationships or if she wants to be with me. It looks like Aiden can see the sort of sadness in my face because he whispers into my ear again.

    “Don’t worry she likes you a lot, she even said she thinks she loves you, she told me she thinks things are going to fast, she doesn’t want to ruin what she has, so you don’t have to worry about a thing” I smile, and now I am more confident about being with Ashley. At least now I know she wants to be with my as bad as I want to be with her.

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