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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday [Chapter 6])

    “Just don’t break her heart, because I will break you” He says. I look back at him kind on scared.

    “Just kidding” He says as he smiles.

    “Or am I” He says as he cocks his eyebrow.

    “Don’t worry, I love her” I say, and blush at the same time.

    “Good, welcome to the group” He says and pats my book. I see Aiden take out his cell phone and text someone.

    “Ashley knows you love her” He whispers, I look back at him.

    “Why the hell did you tell her” I ask him angrily.

    “Because you two would’ve waited forever to tell each other, might as well know that you love each other, so you know, you won’t take like a million years to tell each other.” He says and smiles. I laugh a bit knowing its true, and although I wanted to tell her I guess at least we both know. And besides I still get to tell her face to face.

    The bell eventually rings, as we all head to our second period classes. Eventually my favorite class of the day rolls around and Ashley is already sitting in her seat with a note. I take it and take a seat behind her and I read the note.

    Hey baby, well the truth is only reason I’m writing this is because I’m too much of a coward to ask you in person. Will you go out with me tomorrow night?

    xoxo Ashley

    I smile, a date, our first date.

    I quickly write my answer. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES.

    “Yes!” Ashley jumps out of her seat and screams. Everyone turns to look at her, and she just looks at everyone.

    “Sorry” She says as she sits back down and I see her write something down.

    She turns around and looks around before sending me a kiss and giving me the note.

    Be ready at 7, Im picking u up, so look good, but not good enough so your parents know your goin on a date, I love you

    I look at the note, and seriously can only concentrate on the last part. I decide to write back.

    I love you too

    I give her the note and the bell rings.

    “I’ll see you tonight” I whisper into her ear and I bite her earlobe and I hear her let out a slight moan which she soon cover her mouth with her hand to stop.

    I walk out giving her a small wave as I leave the room and the only thing on my mind, is how much I love Ashley Davies.

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