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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Tuesday Afternoon [Chapter 3])

    “Oh yes I do Ms. Carlin, it’s quite a turn on, as is your shade of red on those cute little cheeks.” She says as she pinches my cheeks and leaves her hand cupping my cheek and I just nuzzle into her hand. She just smiles and I return the gesture as she starts to lean in while pulling my face towards her. I just allow her to pull my face towards hers and just as we’re inches away I hear a loud thump on the hood of the car. I pull back quickly and see Ashley look a little hurt but I point towards the hood of the car at the raven haired boy. She looks at him and just looks at me and mouths ‘sorry’ to me and I just nod and look down.

    “What are you doing today Davies?” The boy asks and Ashley just lets out a loud sigh.

    “I’m sure it doesn’t matter since you’re going to want to come anyway, right?” The boy just smiles and nods.

    “Get in the back.” As he does he looks at me and winks. Which I look away and chuckle, not because I like him or anything it’s just that it was so random. God boys swear they have everything a girl needs.

    “So who’s the hottie Ash?” He asks as he sticks out his hand to me.

    “I’m Spencer, Spencer Carlin” I respond and shake his hand and quickly end the handshake before he gets any extra touching. I smile and look at Ashley as she just smiles back at me.

    “Aiden, sit back and shut up or I swear to god”

    “Yeah, yeah, god, you’re all talk Davies, no action”

    “Same to you Aid, same to you.” I let out a small laugh that quickly gets louder as Aid gets close to my ear and whispers.

    “That’s not true, I’m all action” Before I even get to respond Ashley has already told the boy off.

    “I said sit back and shut up Dennison” I look at Ashley as she mouths ‘lies’ to me which causes me to chuckle even more.

    We spend the day shopping mostly, some games, even watched a movie, and all this in a mall. Never seen that in Ohio, there were probably some, but I didn’t go out often. Anyway, it got late and Ashley had to take me home, Aiden was asleep in the back and we were basically singing along to all the songs on the radio and surprisingly enough Aiden did not wake up at all.

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