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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Tuesday Afternoon [Chapter 3])

    “No I didn’t mean it like that.” She says as she straddles me right before I get the chance to run out.

    “Then how’d you mean it, you said it pretty clearly.” I start to cry a little bit harder. She hugs me and I just hug her back and cry on her shoulder.

    “Shhhh, Spencer, shhh, just hear me out, stop crying please, I hate seeing you cry.” I try and stop and release her from the hug and just then realize how much its turning me on that Ashley is straddling me.

    “I don’t know how to say this Spencer, when I say I don’t want to be your friend, it’s because, it’s just that, you see the thing is”

    “Spit it out Ashley” I get a little aggravated that she won’t just tell me what she wants to say.

    “It’s that I can’t imagine being just your friend, I have like these feelings that are like telling me that I need to be more than just friends with you, I don’t know how to say it, like if we can’t be more than just friends that I can’t take just being friends with you. Like I need more of you, I need you to be more to me, I need you to be like mine or something”

    “Are you trying to tell me that you like me Ashley?” I ask, I stopped crying in the middle of her little speech, and started to feel happy again, knowing what she was trying to say.

    “Yeah, weird huh.” She says and blushes

    “I understand if you like don’t want to talk to me or something, you can ignore me and stuff if you want, this has to be weird for you, god I can’t believe I just said that”

    “Ash, shhhh” I pick up her chin and lean in as our lips meet in the middle. We kiss softly and passionately for about 2 minutes, before we are in need of oxygen.

    “So umm, do you like me to?” She asks, I just laugh and kiss her one more time before I give her a big hug.

    “Just a little” I whisper into her ear. She looks at me and smiles as she gets back to her side of the car. We just stay there for a little and finally realize I’m probably late now.

    “Well I have to sort of go now Ash, umm, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say and smile

    “Yeah definitely Spence” She responds

    “So, umm are we like together now” I can’t help but ask.

    “Why Spencer Carlin, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” I smile and nod

    “I would love to” She elongates the word love.

    “Well I’m glad, but I was wondering if we could like keep this on the down low” I say hoping she understands.

    “Of course, I’m not exactly out yet, well I wasn’t even in, that is before I met you” She says as she intertwines our fingers. I smile at her and lean in for a kiss only to be left there just with my kissing face on. I look at her confused once again and she looks at me and sticks up her finger indicating to wait a second.

    “How long have you been up?” She says a loud. I look at her confused and hear the backseat sort of squeak. Crap, I completely forgot Aiden was back there.

    “Long enough to hear about the new couple, don’t worry secret as good as forgotten” He says and I just smile before she leans in and I meet her in the middle giving her a quick peck and heading inside my house. Today has officially been my best day ever.

    Or so I think…

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