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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Tuesday [Chapter 2])

    xoxo Ash

    I chuckled to myself lightly after I read the note. Of course I blushed a bit and smiled, Ashley actually called me her friend, sort of. But most of all she wanted to hang out with me today. I just couldn’t help but stop smiling as I played with Ashley’s hair. I decided to lean into her, I stopped at her ear and tried my best to sound as well, sexy, as I could.

    “I would love, to hang out with you today” I stayed there longer than I had to making sure I breathed a little harder, I don’t know why I did it, but it was just something that seemed right. I guess I was trying to flirt with Ashley, and I assume that it worked, as I felt her tense up a bit as I leaned back into my chair.

    For the first time I actually admitted to myself, I like Ashley, and not just like, but I like like her, like I would consider being with her more than just a friend, I know, I’m like pushing the envelope here. We just became friends and now I’m admitting to myself that I’m gay and I like Ashley. I just smile and continue playing with Ashley’s hair as I listen to the stupid teacher ramble on about different types of writing.

    The bell rings and I walk by Ashley and see she is folding another note. I don’t know if its for me or not but I decide I should stand outside the room just in case. I wait outside as she finishes packing her things. She passes right by me without even glancing at me and I just look down.

    Then I feel a hand pick my chin up and I see those beautiful brown eyes that I love so much.

    “I thought you left already, I went to catch up with you” I smiled at her as she slipped something into my pocket and hooking her finger on my belt loop on my denim skirt. She pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

    “Read the note next period” As her lips touched my ear lobe slightly sending me to cloud nine. I blushed a bit as she left not taking her eyes off of me and looking me up and down. I looked for the note in my skirt and pulled it out as I walked towards my next class.

    I walked in and sat next to Chelsea as I opened the note. Chelsea leaned over trying to read my note as I looked at her with a ‘this is private’ look and she just sighed and kept writing a love note that I hoped was for Clay.

    Hey Spence its kind of hard to know where we meet so we can chill without each others numbers huh mine is 8380897 so text me like now and I mean now )

    xoxo Ash

    I took out my cell phone and stored the number in my phone, it was right there, first in my phonebook and my number one thought at the moment. I then looked for the text message button on my stupid phone menu. I send a simple message.

    Hey, it’s Spencer

    So what I like to use proper on my stupid text messages, a habit you could say. The bell rings for class and I feel my phone vibrate and take it out and cover it quickly so the teacher doesn’t notice. I flip it open and it says new message and it simply reads.

    Hey Spence wat ya doin?

    Then I figured out two things, One, I have more than one favorite class now, and number two, today is going to be a long day as I replied to Ashley’s message.

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