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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday Afternoon [Chapter 5])

    “Hey honey” I say into the phone.

    “Hi sweetie did the parent’s talk to you yet.” My smile gets smaller, I hope she doesn’t take this too hard, I mean we’re going to get to see each other after school and stuff.

    “Yeah, and I was wondering if I could go to your house, and if you could pick me up”

    “Sure Spence, be there in 15” She says before she sends me a kiss over the phone and hanging up.

    I quickly change and just wait for Ashley to get here, I haven’t seen her in like a couple of hours and I’m already missing her so much, maybe I really found the one, like the person I’m supposed to be with for the rest of my life, I mean come one I’m 17 but, I really think I love her. I hear the car horn and look out the window.

    “Hey mom, dad, I’m going to Ashley’s house, call if you want anything” I scream out.

    “Be back by curfew” I hear my dad yell out. I do love that about my dad, he’s lenient but strict at the same time, and it’s really great. I get closer to Ashley’s car and see her get out and open the door for me. I smile and she smiles back, while her nose scrunches up, I poke her nose and kiss it quickly before getting in the car.

    As she drives I just look at her, admire her beauty, how perfect she is, how she’s all mine, and how I wouldn’t have it any other way. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers and give her a soft squeeze.

    I see her smile and blow me another kiss. I smile and look at the road ahead. We get to her house rather quickly, and we head inside holding hands on the way. It’s a real long ass walk to her house, stupid mansion has like a mile driveway. We get to the door, Ashley unlocks the door and goes in. I follow her and as soon as she closes the door she starts to kiss me. She led me over to the couch while our lips were still attached and continues our little make out session for a while.

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