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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday Afternoon [Chapter 5])

    “God, I’ve wanted to do that all day since you left” She says as she blushes a little bit.

    “Me Too” I respond. She smiles and leans in to kiss me again. I place my finger on her lips hoping I can tell her about the news.

    “My mom and dad told me I’m going to another school” I took my finger off her lips and kissed her. Hoping to stop her from saying something, of course I decided to keep the fact that it’s immensely close to the current school I am attending. She deserves to be teased a bit.

    “Wait what?” She practically screams out.

    “What do you mean you’re going to another school?” She says as she gets up and starts to pace around.

    “I mean when am I going to get to see you, you’re probably going to move away and I’m never going to get to see you again” She says. I start to lightly chuckle and she quickly notices.

    “Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny Spence, we aren’t going to be able to see each other, and god do I want to be with you” She lets out a sigh before sitting down on the couch next to me.

    “Calm down Ash, I’m just going to the school like 5 blocks away from King, we will get to see each other everyday, okay baby?” I give her a quick kiss and see her let out a deep breath, apparently she had been holding it in for a while, I didn’t think she would react like that, sure we’re together but she’s acting like we’ve been together for a while now, and we haven’t. But I do feel something special with her, something I haven’t felt before.

    Ashley leans into me and I just start playing with her hair as her other hand takes a hold of my other one and she just holds on.

    “So what school you going to?” Ashley asks

    “Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow” I respond and hear Ashley let out a snort.

    “You just let out the cutest little snort there Ash” I tell her

    “Did not” She yells at me like she’s five.

    “Did so” I respond with the same tone of voice.

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