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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday Afternoon [Chapter 5])

    “Forget about that, you’re going to a catholic school, this is so funny, and you’re going to be wearing your cute little school uniform, aw” I hear Ashley finish the sentence with baby talk.

    “And?” I quickly ask her. She leans over to me and whispers in my ear.

    “You’re going to look so hot” She says as she licks my earlobe, which quickly makes me let out a moan.

    I get up and grab her hand and lead her upstairs to her room. I pull her towards the bed and quickly take of my shirt and jeans and let Ashley check me out. I can see her mouth wide open and just look at me up and down, as if she were trying to memorize my body. Usually I’m self conscious about my body, but with Ashley I feel safe, I want her to see me like this, vulnerable, naked, just me. She leans in and kisses me while pushing me on her bed. She starts taking off her skirt and shirt as she is just in her bra and panties too. She straddles me and captured my lips once again as she roams her hands up and down my body.

    I follow suit, studying every curve, every moan she elicits, and every movement she makes. We lay down as Ashley grabs my ass and pulls me closer towards her. She squeezes it a bit causing me to moan into her mouth. My hands end up at her breasts, playing with the silky fabric, and feeling her nipples getting hard. We continue kissing for eternity, or just a couple of minutes, we weren’t really sure but by the time we ended our make out session it was dark outside.

    I broke the kiss and could feel my breathing finally getting back to its normal rhythm. I got up and took out my cell phone, I called my house and prayed my dad would pick up. And luckily enough my dad did pick up the phone.

    “Hey Dad” I whisper into the receiver.

    “Hey Honey” He responds.

    “Dad I was wondering if I could ask you something?” I say, trying to get directly to the point.

    “Ok honey, as long as you tell me why you’re whispering” She responds.

    “Well that’s actually part of it, see Ashley is sick so she’s sleeping and I was wondering if I could stay over and take care of her.” I try and sound as convincing as possible.

    “Sure honey, but make sure you get to school tomorrow, and come straight home after school tomorrow ok?” He responds

    “I promise dad, bye” I hang up and turn around to look at Ashley, I smile and walk seductively as possible towards her.

    She gets under the covers and moves over as she pats the areas right next to her and I get under the covers with her.

    “It’s kind of cold in your room” I say and look directly into her eyes. She opens her arms and I cuddle into her, as I snuggle in the crook of her neck. I kiss her before I just take in her scent, god she is so great, this is so great. I just hope we last forever because I really do love this girl.

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