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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday [Chapter 4])

    “I wouldn’t have been able to do that if you dropped me off right in front of my house, and besides, you should be wearing your seatbelt.” I poke her before going back to my side and sitting down and putting my seatbelt on. She puts hers on with a smile on her face as we keep going.

    We reach my house and we stay in the front for a while just holding hands, of course no one could see that we were. I smiled as she squeezed my hands lightly. I took that as my cue to get out of the car. I got out and smiled at her. I turned my back to my house before blowing her a kiss which she caught and put in her pocket.

    “For tonight, you know my goodnight kiss and stuff” God she can be really cute sometimes.

    “Ill see you tomorrow, pick me up, early, so we can have some time to do stuff and stuff” She smiled and her nose scrunched up and it was so cute. I walked home and turned around to watch her go off.

    “I love you Ashley Davies, I really do” I whispered to myself before walking in my house. I saw my mom on the couch reading a magazine. I walked in the living room and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

    “You wanted me here early?” I ask her wanting to know what cut into my fun time with Ashley.

    “Yeah, your dad, you, and I have to talk about something important, your dad should be home any minute” She says as she returns to her magazine. My mom never really cared about me that much, but I’ve learned to live with it, especially with my dad, Clay, and even Glen. I just nod my head at her and decide to head upstairs.

    “Mom, I’m going take a cold shower, ok?” I yell out to my mom

    “Sure honey, I’ll call you down when your dad gets home” She yells back. I head towards the bathroom and take my towel. I hop in and try to get the throbbing in my legs to stop. It stopped for a while but when I straddled the brunette, it started again. And now I need a cold shower, and if I need to, my two friends will definitely help.

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