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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday [Chapter 4])

    “Spencer you’re quiet this morning” My mom says, I look at her and just shrug my shoulders.

    “Nervous about a test or something today?” She asks. Crap, here it comes, the confession, I’m about to break, about to ruin everything in just a couple seconds.

    “Yeah, big day today, but I know everything will go as planned” I blurt out, god, it’s the truth, just a different version. God, I get to be with Ashley all day this is just great. I hear the car honk outside and quickly take my plate to the sink and say good-bye to everyone as quickly as possible.

    “Honey, your brothers aren’t taking you today?” My mom asks, god why is she so annoying some times.

    “I got to be there early for a quick cram session mom wit my friend, so I’m going to just go with my friend.” I say and just walk out.

    “I’ll see you at lunch little sis” I hear Glen yell out.

    “Can’t Glen, I’m going to be in the library, I have a big test after lunch.” I yell out knowing no way in hell that idiot is going to step foot in a library.

    I smile at Ashley who is looking completely beautiful and the sun just making her hazel eyes sparkle, god they’re so beautiful.

    “Hey honey” She says while she blows me a kiss.

    “Hey baby” I get in her car and wait until we get a safe distance from the house before I give her a peck on the kiss.

    God, it feels so great kissing her, its just so addicting you could say, you can’t get enough, its just, god, I wish I was attached to her by the lips, but of course we could have trouble breathing, but that’s besides the point.

    We go to star bucks and order some latte’s and take them with us to her car. We drive to a secluded spot behind some warehouse or something. It’s pretty close to the beach though because I can see the ocean.

    “It’s beautiful” I say, I turn to Ashley who looks right at me and just smiles.

    “It’s very beautiful” She says. I drop my latte and straddle the brunette. I kiss her all the love I have, I kiss her like I haven’t been able to kiss her since I first laid eyes on her. I break the kiss and just stare into her eyes for a while before I can feel all the butterflies in my stomach just causing tornadoes.


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