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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eight)

    “Got it. Keep a low profile,” I nodded getting up and walking towards the door. “Later Roy.”

    The sky has lost it’s color
    The sun has turned to grey
    At least that’s how it feels to me
    Whenever you’re away
    I crawl up in the corner
    As I watch the minutes pass
    Each one brings me closer to
    The time you’re coming back

    I can’t take the distance
    I can’t take the miles
    I can’t take the time until the next time I see you smile
    I can’t take the distance
    And I’m not ashamed
    I can’t take a breath without seeing your name


    Spencer still wouldn’t really talk to me much since the incident, even after the conversation we had that night. I didn’t understand it. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but she just doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me. God, I felt so helpless, because every time I tried to talk she just walked away. She’s still there for me when I have nightmares, but or else she’s avoiding all contact with me. I wish I could explain.

    “Aid, what do I do?” I asked laying on his car, squinting as the sun shined in my eyes. I couldn’t think of what to do.

    “I don’t know Ash. Give her time or corner her,” he half joked sitting on the hood with me.

    “Madison had it coming,” I tried to build up my case while I knew I was just preaching to the choir. It’s easy to convince someone who’s already on your side.

    “Yeah, but maybe Spencer just doesn’t like seeing someone get hurt,” he stated having been in school with her since the beginning. But I already knew what he told me. A girl that innocent could care about the coldest of hearts, especially if she could care about mine.

    “Sadly, that’s why I like her so much,” I sighed starring up at the clouds overhead.

    “So what are you going to do?”

    “I don’t know. Maybe, maybe if she understood a few things, but that’d just lead to more problems.” I didn’t want Spencer to know why I was like this. She’d never understand.

    “Well you work on Spencer, and I’ll work on our next plan,” Aiden smiled.

    “I have an idea for one,” I smirked. “Spencer would even approve.” Ok, so it still had a few bugs. But it was a work in progress. “We’ll discuss it later,” I stated jumping off the car. “Right now, I got to go find Spencer.”

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