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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eight)

    I can brave a hurricane

    And still be standing tall when all the dust has settled down

    But I can’t take the distance

    I still believe in feelings
    But sometimes I feel too much
    I make believe you’re close to me
    But it ain’t close enough
    Not nearly close enough

    When I found Spencer, she was in her room curled up with some giant Physics book.

    “This may be the closest I’ve ever been to a book that big,” I joked gaining the girls attention to have her shoot me an angry look. Oh yeah, she was still upset.

    “Spence, come on,” I stated to just have her try to run away again. God, why does she always run away?

    “Spencer just listen to me ok?” I was practically begging as she stood inches away from escape. I just wanted her to hear me out. Hell, I just wanted to hear her voice.

    “What Ash? Listen to your excuses to why you did it, how Madison is a bitch and she had it coming?”

    “You don’t understand Spencer,” I sighed. I knew why I did it. I knew exactly why I fucked up everyone who fucked me over. It started awhile ago…

    “Then explain it to me Ashley. Ok, I can handle your nightmares, this distance you try to put between everyone and yourself, even this badass attitude, but why do you have to pull so much shit on people? Half the time I wonder what you would to me if I ever hurt you.”

    “Spencer I would never hurt you,” I jumped up at the very thought. She had to believe me. It was true. I couldn’t hurt her intentionally if I wanted to. She was so innocent and pure and perfect. I couldn’t do that to her. I cared about her.

    “How do I know that Ashley? How do I know that you wouldn’t fuck me up too?” it was the first time I’d ever heard Spencer swear. I wish I wasn’t the reason she was so angry.

    “Because you know me better than anyone Spencer. You know me,” I pleaded with her.

    “I don’t know anything about you Ashley. You don’t tell me anything. All I know is what I hear from your dreams.”

    “So what you don’t know my past. You don’t know where I’ve been, but Spencer,” I sighed working my hardest to form comprehendible sentences without becoming hysterical. “You, you know me better than me sometimes. You knew what would calm me down when I couldn’t stop screaming. You knew when to push and when to back off. You know me Spencer,” I was tearing up by now against my will. Now there’s two people that can make me cry.

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