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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eight)

    “Then why can’t you just tell me what happened if we’re so close?” she had a point, but I knew better.

    “Because I don’t want you to hate me for what I let happen,” I choked back the image of the fire, the flames that echoed and crawled under my skin burning me for even years afterwards.

    “Ashley,” it was all she said.

    “Maybe someday I’ll tell you,” it wasn’t a promise. I wasn’t about to make her an empty promise.

    “Fine,” she stated with no emotion for her voice leaving me to wonder how to interpret that.

    “Are we cool then Spencer? Cause I can’t handle you mad at me,” I gave her the best puppy dog pout I could.

    “Yeah, we’re fine Ash,” she couldn’t help but smile a little. I missed her smile.


    I can’t take the distance
    I can’t take the miles
    I can’t take the time until I next see you smile
    I can’t take the distance
    And I’m not ashamed
    I can’t take a breath without seeing your name

    I can brave a hurricane
    And still be standing tall when all the dust has settled down
    But I can’t take the distance


    That night I couldn’t help but think of all the other stunts I’ve pulled before. From school to school, I found new ways to create mayhem.

    “So who’s the victim this week?” Max laughed.

    “What makes you so sure that there’s someone I need to get back at right now?”
    “Someone always manages to piss you off Ash.”

    “Ok, ok, well you know Chris Moyer right?” I asked. I admit, maybe I do have a little bit of an anger issue. Ah well, makes life interesting.

    “Yup, sit next to him in study hall. Kids kind of a duche.”

    “Yeah, well I saw him downtown the other day and when I got out of the car him and his loser friends just stared bashing me for no reason. Seriously I didn’t even fucking know they were even there. So, they started calling me shit like dyke, slut, whore, bitch,” I rambled off the list. Oh yeah, it was a very long list too. I was still very very pissed off about this, and I so had the perfect plan for little Chris.

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