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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eleven)

    “Hey,” I breathed wrapping my hand around her hers and pulling her to sit down next to me.

    “What are you doing?” she spoke softly as the moment passed by contentedly. Everything always felt right with her. Whether it was soft, fast, hart, slow, it was all too perfect.

    “Just watching the rain,” I smiled softly at her squeezing her hand.

    “Yeah, I’ve missed the rain..”

    “Tell me,” the younger version of me roared full of life as I ran besides the girl I adored.

    “I can’t,” Alex shook her head.

    “Come on Alex,” I pleaded with the girl as raindrops streaked down my cloths, drenching my skin.

    “It’s a secret Ash,” she tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t help but smile when she looked at me. I always seemed to have this effect on her.

    “I won’t tell anyone,” I assured her. We both knew I was horrible at keeping secrets. I could barely keep my own.

    “Nope,” was all she said.

    “Fine,” I groaned keeping up the pace next to her.

    “You still coming over tonight?” Alex asked even though I came over every Friday night.

    “Duh,” I laughed as the raindrops continued to fall onto us.

    “Good,” she smiled as we reached her house.

    “Well, I’ll come over after I grab my stuff then,” I sighed hating the fact I had to leave her for even a minute.

    “Ok, I’ll see you later,” she smiled before quickly kissing me on the cheek and running inside.

    I could feel it as my face burned bright red like every time her lips touched my skin. It always felt so perfect and natural I thought.

    But, It’s too bad I didn’t notice Alex’s mom watching us in the window that day, or the suspicious look in her eyes. It’s too bad I didn’t know the fight that was about to ensue the moment Alex walked inside. The fight that would lead to a decision that changed the outcome of events, a decision that might have even killed her, and once again, that night the rain would let me down.

    “Spencer,” I whispered quietly breaking the comfortable silence that had surrounded us.

    Spencer,” I whispered quietly breaking the comfortable silence that had surrounded us.

    “Yeah,” she breathed as her head was now snuggly settled onto my shoulder as she watched the rain.

    “I need to show you something Spence. I, I don’t know if you’ll quite understand,” I stuttered. “But I need to at least try.”

    Spencer didn’t say a word. She just listened, taking in everything I had to say.

    “Spence will you come with me?” I finally asked needing a response, anything.

    “Of course babe,” she smiled sitting up and making eye contact so I knew she was serious. “I‘ll follow you anywhere,” was all she said as she laced her fingers through mine.


    It was a few hours away, but I knew the location by heart. I knew that town, I knew those people, and I KNEW that exact scene, that exact place where my world burned.

    Breathing slowly, I got out and stood next to Spencer. Clearing my head, I began the slow painful decent into the flames.

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    1. I’m glad that Ashley is finally facing her past and at least this time she’s not alone. Can’t wait to find out what happens. Fantastic update. PMASAP!!!

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