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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Five)

    “Yeah, I got to got or else my dad will be pissed,” he sighed looking around like he wanted to escape just as badly as me.

    “Yeah, well you have fun with that,” I smiled before walking away. Five, four, three, two, one…

    “Wait, where are you going?” he called after me.

    “Leaving, want to come?” I turned around and smirked at him. Watching his face turn from confusion to a devious smile that matched mine, I knew he was the perfect partner.

    “Yeah, lets go.”

    Cause I’ve lost my innocence

    I’m a stranger a life changer

    I’m a man that’s not afraid of danger

    I walk my own path and pave my own trail

    Cause I’m not afraid to derail

    I wont get in line or be your middle man

    So fuck you I make my own plans

    And I got respect and I don’t neglect

    The people that I really care to protect

    And I’m not a failure if I’ve got nothing to lose

    No I’m not a failure

    I’ve got something to prove

    Now that I had my partner in crime, I had some pranks to plan, “harmless” ones of course though. I really don’t need Spencer pissed at me right now. But I have some good ones planned all the same. No one got hurt. No public property was destroyed, so she couldn’t be mad at me right? Now I was just simply being Ashley Davies.

    First order of business though, initiation. It was just something that I used to make sure that they were up for anything. All they had to do was find something that would piss their parents off. Whatever they did I’d even do with them.

    Well, what Aiden chose his dad would definitely not be too happy. Aiden had never even wanted it done, until his dad threatened to kick him out if he ever did. Now, Aiden actually chose it just to shove it back in his dad’s face. He was already making me proud.

    So, Aiden got his eyebrow pierced, already starting to separate him from his former jock self. Maybe this is why parents don’t like me… Na.

    Holding up my end of the bargain, when it was my turn to sit in the chair, I got my tongue pierced knowing that Mrs. C was going to just fucking love that.

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