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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Five)


    When I got out of the house, someone pulled me out of the way of the burning building.

    “Alex is still up there,” I struggled trying to get them to listen to me. “Alex is still up there. Alex is still up there. She’s still up there,” they wouldn’t listen to me. Nobody was doing anything besides watching the flames rip through the house bit by bit, tearing apart anything that dared stand in its way. Even the night sky seemed to just watch as it was lit up by the glow of the roaring fire.

    “Why isn’t anyone help her?” I cried. I swear I could hear her screams from her. She sounded in pain. She needed me.

    “The building is about to collapse kid,” someone finally answered me. “I’m sorry.”

    “No,” I screamed helplessly. I told her I’d come back for her. I promised. I promised. “I can’t leave her there to die!” I yelled trying to escape. I had to go back for her. I had to. “Alex,” I cried looking around the crowd to see Alex’s parents just standing there. They were just standing there. Didn’t they care about their daughter?

    “What’s wrong with you people?” I was hysterical, but I didn’t care. Tears clouded my eyes, but I couldn’t lose her. As much as she needed me right now, I needed her ten times more. I was nothing without her.

    “Listen kid, anyone who goes in there might as well be dead.”

    “Then let me go,” I resisted trying to get back to the house. I had to be with her.

    “Let me go. Let me go.”

    “Let me go. Let me go,” I thrashed around in my covers.

    “Let me go. Let me go,” I thrashed around in my covers.

    “Shh,” Spencer soothed already pulling me into her warm embrace. “It’s alright Ash.”

    “Shh,” Spencer soothed already pulling me into her warm embrace. “It’s alright Ash.”

    “They all just stood around. Nobody would do anything,” I stuttered, the image still running in my head. Ah, it burned. I could see, I could see her seared flesh, her face contorted in pain.

    “They all just stood around. Nobody would do anything,” I stuttered, the image still running in my head. Ah, it burned. I could see, I could see her seared flesh, her face contorted in pain.

    “It’s alright now Ash,” she comforted me, but I didn’t deserve to be comforted. She was dead because of me. She was dead, and it was my fault.

    “My fault, my fault,” I sobbed. “It’s my fault.

    “No it’s not Ash,” Spencer assured me, but she didn’t even know what happened. All she knew was what she heard me screaming.

    “Yes it is. Yes it is,” my hysteria grew. I couldn’t help her. I promised. I promised her.

    “No,” Spencer told me sternly, never letting go as new tears fell down my cheeks faster and faster into her shoulder. “No it’s not.”


    When I finally was able to calm down, Spencer had fallen asleep. Shifting just enough to get my arm out from under her, I reached under my pillow and pulled out and old photograph. It was one of the only things I had left of her. She was the best person I knew. Since then, I’d been trying to find my own way, and somehow I’ve been thrown into a house with someone who reminded me so much of her. Coincidence, I don’t know. But someway, somehow there was something that I felt for Mr. C‘s innocent little daughter. Taking one last look at the picture, I stuck it back under my pillow, and fell asleep next to Spencer.

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