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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Four)

    “I know,” he grumbled. “I already checked with your English teacher.”

    “Well, can I go then sir? I’m missing a very important lecture in my chemistry class right now.” God, I love being in control.

    “Listen Ashley, I don’t know how you did it. But one of these days I’m going to catch you,” he threatened lowering his voice so no one else in the office could hear.

    “Good luck with that one sir,” I smirked before standing up and walking towards the door.

    I knew he would never figure it out. How would he know that I paid some freshmen twenty bucks to wear a hoodie that covered her head, listen to an ipod, and fall asleep in my English class? I must say though, I’ve never been happier in my life that Max had taught me how to hot wire a car.

    I knew he would never figure it out. How would he know that I paid some freshmen twenty bucks to wear a hoodie that covered her head, listen to an ipod, and fall asleep in my English class? I must say though, I’ve never been happier in my life that Max had taught me how to hot wire a car.

    “You did what?” Spencer shot up looking at me in shock.

    “He had it coming Spence,” I tried to convince her as I sat up on the bed.

    “Ashley if someone finds out then…” she was getting worried over me? Wow, this is strange.

    “Spencer don’t worry about it,” I assured the girl. “No one is going to find out.”

    “I don’t know Ash,” she sighed. God, I loved it when she called me Ash.

    “I’ve gotten away with shit just like it,” I tried to explain to her, but she just turned away looking slightly disappointed. “Come on Spence, don’t be angry,” I sighed. I didn’t know if I could handle her angry at me.

    “So what did you do to get in trouble at your last school?” she asked wanting and honest answer.

    “It’s complicated.” It really was. I still remember everything about it.

    “So, I’ve go time,” she put her head in her hands as she laid on her stomach looking at me to begin.

    “Long story short,” I sighed. “there was this girl that fucked me over. So one night me and my friend went over to her house, spray painted a message in her yard, and nailed pictures to her door with her and her new boyfriend fucking in her parents bed.”

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    1. this story looks awesome!! i did someting like that to a teacher once. well, it was different. i slept with his wife. she was hot. i think it was different because he never found out. that way i was satisfied and he didn’t get hurt. anyways, great update!! PMS!!!!

    2. Wow, I would’ve loved to have done that to some of my teachers. But alas I was a good kid, damn it. Oh well I shall live vicariously through Ashley. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!

    3. Wow…amazing chapter! I like how eventhough spencer was mad at ashley she still found it in herself to comfort her. I can’t wait for more of this great story. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!

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