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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Four)

    What strangled smile fell from your face

    What kills me that I hurt you this way

    The worst part is that I didn’t even know

    Now there’s a million reasons for you to go

    But if you could find a reason to stay

    I’ll do whatever it takes to turn this around

    I know what’s at stake, know that I’ve let you down

    But if you give me a chance believe that I can change

    I’ll keep us together whatever it takes

    “Hurry up Ashley,” Max whispered as we threw our bikes down and crouched towards the lawn.

    “You got the spray paint?” I asked figuring out how I wanted to create my masterpiece here.

    “Yup,” he threw me can. “Ok, so how are we doing this?” he asked for the master plan.

    “I’ll start at the top, you can start the final part of the message,” I stated before popping off the cap, and shaking up the car. And then I started. Letter by letter, I watched the few words come together. Until it read “Kendra, Orgeon’s Favorite Porno Star. Now, for the final touch.

    “Max grab the pictures,” I whispered. “Hurry.” Picking up the hammer, I waited for the boy to hurry his ass up. Once he handed them to me, I ran up to the door, and started pounding one of them into the wood.

    “Ashley just do one of them and leave the others on the ground,” Max stated urgently.

    “Hold on,” I replied almost finished. “Done,” I smiled standing back and admiring my work. Oh yeah, daddy was going to love that one of you Kendra.

    “Let’s go,” I smirked scattering the other pictures before, I heard the sirens.

    “Run Ashley!”

    She said if we’re going to make this work

    You got to let me inside even though it hurts

    Don’t hide the broken past that I need to see

    She said like it or not it’s the way its got to be

    You got to love yourself if you can ever love me

    I’ll do whatever it takes to turn this around

    I know what’s at stake, know that I’ve let you down

    And if you give me a chance and give me a break

    I’ll keep us together

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    1. this story looks awesome!! i did someting like that to a teacher once. well, it was different. i slept with his wife. she was hot. i think it was different because he never found out. that way i was satisfied and he didn’t get hurt. anyways, great update!! PMS!!!!

    2. Wow, I would’ve loved to have done that to some of my teachers. But alas I was a good kid, damn it. Oh well I shall live vicariously through Ashley. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!

    3. Wow…amazing chapter! I like how eventhough spencer was mad at ashley she still found it in herself to comfort her. I can’t wait for more of this great story. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!

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