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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Four)

    “So, what did she do to you?” Spencer asked looking upset by this but kept her voice monotone.

    “She cheated on me with one of my only other friends Trevor,” I stated still remembering the look on Trevor‘s face when I sucker punched him at school the next day.

    “Well do you feel better now?” she spat out. I’d never seen this girl angry before. It was strange. I wish I wasn’t the one making her so mad.

    “Doesn’t matter,” I sighed. “It’s even now.”

    “Whatever Ashley,” Spencer got up not even able to look at me. Come on, she had to know that I was a shitty person. Why else would I have had been in Juvie? “Deal with your nightmares yourself tonight.”

    “Spencer,” I got up to try and stop her, but she was already out the door. For some reason, the thought of her not talking to me really upset me. I don’t even know why. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about me, no one. So then why did this hurt so much?

    When the flames started burning tonight, I knew there was not escape.

    “Ashley,” Alex screamed in pain. I could almost see the flames searing her flesh as the rose around her showing no mercy.

    “Alex,” I screamed hysterically feeling so fucking helpless. “Alex,” I pounded on the door, not caring about the smell of my own skin burning, or the feeling of suffocation entering my brain.

    “Ashley, just get out while you can,” I heard her call through the door. Didn’t she know I could never leave her? “Leave Ash, leave!”

    “I can’t Alex. I can’t,” I sobbed. “Not without you.” I could feel the smog beating down on my back. My whole body felt heavy.

    “Yes you can Ashley, before it’s too late.” Alex whimpered trying to fight back the screams that I knew begged to get out. She fought them back for me.

    “I love you Ashley,” I heard her almost whisper through the door, but she knew I would hear.

    “I love you too Alex,” I replied backing away from the door. “I’m going to go get help Alex. I’m going to go get help. I’ll be back. I swear I’ll come back for you.” Tear were falling down my cheeks.

    Turning around slowly, I ran through the house, and down the stairs. As soon as I got down the stairs, I watched the second floor begin to collapse.

    “I’m so sorry Alex,” I cried. “I’m so sorry.”

    I know you deserve much better

    Well remember the time I told you the way that I felt

    That I’d be lost without you and never find myself

    Lets hold on to each other above anything else

    It’s not over it’s not over

    I’ll do whatever it takes to turn this around

    I know what’s at stake, know that I’ve let you down

    But if you give me a chance believe that I can change

    I’ll keep us together whatever it takes


    “I’m so sorry,” I whimpered as I watched the fire slowly fade, and Spencer’s room reappear. “Spencer,” I whispered wondering where the girl was. I couldn’t go back into the fire again. I couldn’t do it. “Spencer,” I said her name a little louder this time.

    “Ashley go back to sleep,” the girl told me from the top bunk.

    “Please Spencer,” I begged wiping at my tear stained cheeks. “Please.” I feel so pathetic, but I didn’t want to hear her scream again. I couldn’t handle it. I had already let her down once. I couldn’t watch myself let her down again and again.

    “Ashley,” Spencer groaned climbing down to the floor.

    “Please Spencer, I’m sorry about earlier ok? I’m sorry,” I couldn’t believe I was apologizing, but I, I needed this girl.

    Watching her eyes look at me sympathetically, I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that she saw sympathy for. I knew I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve her.

    “Scoot over Ash,” she sighed giving in.

    “I’m sorry Spencer,” I repeated.

    “I know Ash. I know,” Spencer instinctively pulled me closer to her. “It’s ok,” she soothed. “Just go back to sleep.”

    “Thanks you Spence,” I whispered, the screams finally fading away for at least now.

    “Shh, it‘s alright Ash,” she whispered, no anger left in her voice anymore. “It’s alright.”

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    1. this story looks awesome!! i did someting like that to a teacher once. well, it was different. i slept with his wife. she was hot. i think it was different because he never found out. that way i was satisfied and he didn’t get hurt. anyways, great update!! PMS!!!!

    2. Wow, I would’ve loved to have done that to some of my teachers. But alas I was a good kid, damn it. Oh well I shall live vicariously through Ashley. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!

    3. Wow…amazing chapter! I like how eventhough spencer was mad at ashley she still found it in herself to comfort her. I can’t wait for more of this great story. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!

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