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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Nine)

    I was done with the bullshit. I was going to find the source. Looking around one last time, I started walking towards the door. People made sure to make for me as I came by. They all knew something bad was going to happen real fucking soon.

    I didn’t know where I was going, but I felt so close to snapping right now. It took everything I had to keep it together. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew that as soon as I saw it I’d know what I was looking for, and sure enough. When I looked up it was standing right in front of me.


    “Madison,” I clenched up my fist. There was no Spencer around this time to save her ass.

    “So, I’m taking it that you heard what people are talking about,” she smirked my smirk. That just pissed me off ten times more.

    “What did you fucking tell them?” I shouted not wanting to play any fucking games.

    “Just the truth, how you let that poor girl die, how you escaped and left her to burn to death.”

    “You don’t know anything about that night,” I was on the brink of hysteria as I clenched my fist together, the muscles in my arms tensing.

    “Oh, but I do. I was there.”

    “You’re lying.”

    “No, I’m not. Come on, don‘t you remember the little girl in the crowd…”

    Everybody from around came to watch it burn. They came just to watch it turn to ash and smoldering rubble. They might as well have started the fire, because there inactive response hurt just as much. Neighbors, teachers, senior citizens, even a little girl was out watching everything I’ve ever loved be burned. Nobody even gave a damn. Nobody cared that my heart was burning here too.

    “You were the girl in the crowd?” I was disgusted.

    “Yup, and I saw what you did. I heard you brag about it afterwards.”

    “Liar!” I screamed skipping hysterical and going straight over the edge to lost it.

    “Am I?” she smiled. “Cause I don’t think I am. And I don’t think Spencer will either.”

    “Don’t you dare,” I was seething, almost seeing doubles.

    “I think she’d find it interesting, seeing as I’m sure you probably haven’t told her what happened.”

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    1. i’m tired of waiting! i love this story. post very soon or i’ll be forced to leave you a million messages. oh, and this chapter was awesome

    2. so.wait..madison wasnt really the little girl was she? cuz i mean .. how much younger than ashley IS she ..thtd put her back a lott of yearsss. hah.i loveddd ittt as usual.pmss

    3. Madison is so messed up. I mean who in their right mind would do that to another person. Hopefully ashley will get her back worse. PMS!!!!!!

    4. Madison is an uberbitch. I can’t believe that even she would sink so low. I’m glad Spencer’s not mad at Ashley though. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!!

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