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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Seven)

    “Ok, but you’re not going to like it.” She just glared at me to continue. Fuck. “so all week long Aiden and I have been having a scavenger hunt. We went to different clubs and groups and asked if they’d want to be part of it. We gave them a list of items, and then Aiden would save their numbers and would text them a clue at random. At the end of the scavenger hunt, whoever has the most item wins,” I confessed afraid of seeing how angry she was. I’m sure she was pissed.

    “Wins what?” was all she said. Well, at least she’s still talking to me.

    “They win some concert tickets that Aiden got over the radio a month ago.”

    “And the last clue was the girls locker room?”
    “Bingo,” I answered just in time to hear high pitch screams coming from the locker room. Well at least I know that they were down there.

    “I can’t believe you Ashley.” Spencer just shook her head disappointed in me again.

    “Come on Spencer,” I tried to reason with her, just to have her walk away from me again. God damn she did that a lot.

    Turning back to my scheme, I watched half naked cheerleaders run out of the locker room looking frantic. And then I found her. She came up somewhere in the middle with fury burning in her eyes. Oh yeah, she knew it was me. It could have had something to do with my name written on her towel, and that being the item they had to collect I guess, or she just could have been good at guessing. Looking around, I realized she must have a different towel, cause someone was gloating in the corner with the towel in his hands.

    “You did this.” she spat seeing me.

    “Consider it my way of saying nobody messes with me,” I replied.

    “Oh, you are so dead Davies. You are going to wish that you never fucked with me.” She seemed so angry, but I couldn’t help but laugh as she stood there in her towel looking disoriented.

    “Knock yourself out,” I smirked before turning around. Lucky for me, Aiden had gone into the locker room and taped it so we could watch it again later. This was going on youtube for sure.

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