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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Seven)


    Spencer wouldn’t look at me when I got home. I tried the puppy dog pout. I tried to convince her it wasn’t my fault, I even tried to make her laugh. Nothing worked. So I just gave up and watched the tape a few times to watch Madison’s frenzied run before I fell asleep.

    The coldest heart can be brought to life

    When it’s thrown into the fires of goodbye

    The coldest heart can be brought to life

    When it’s thrown into the fires of goodbye

    The coldest heart can be brought to life

    When it’s thrown into the fires of goodbye

    Whoa I’m losing hope

    There’s a hole in my heart

    That’s been cut out of stone

    Whoa cold comes cold goes

    Could you fill this hole cause I can’t do it alone


    That night I just watched the flames burn. I couldn’t do anything but watch as the house that I called my second home was obliterated by the fire. Years of memories turning to ash. Everything I knew and loved was gone in a blind of an eye. She was gone, and it was my fault. The people that came to watch the fire just looked at me with pity, some of them with disgust. They didn’t know me though, they didn’t know her.

    Daylight soon started coming, but I didn’t feel like I had even made it through the night. Someone of the crowd started to diminish as they went home to go on with their daily life’s, but I couldn’t go on with mine anymore. Nothing was ever going to be the same again. The only thing left of it were the ashes that remained. I didn’t even know who I was anymore, or who I was supposed to be. The only thing knew was that she was gone…

    “Shh,” Spencer whispered trying to calm me down. She was still there even after what happened today. I still don’t understand why…

    “Spencer?” I mumbled.

    “Yeah babe?”

    “How come you’re here after, after today?” it was an honest question. I was so confused about everything, tears still running down and soaking my pillow.
    “Because I care about you,” she whispered sending shivers across my body.


    “Because you’re not as horrible of person as you think you are Ash,” she sighed. But I could help but wonder what she would think if she knew what happened…

    Whoa I’m losing hope

    There’s a hole in my heart

    That’s been cut out of stone

    Whoa cold comes cold goes

    Could you fill this hole cause I can’t do it alone

    I’ve got the coldest heart

    I’ve got the coldest heart

    I’ve got the coldest heart

    I’ve got the coldest heart

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