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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Six)


    Every single day

    I find it hard to say

    I could be yours alone

    You will see some day

    That all along the way

    I was yours to hold

    I was yours to hold

    “Ready?” Spencer asked standing over me looking as beautiful as ever. I must say, cheerleading looked good on Spencer.

    “Yup,” I smiled standing up and instinctively carried her books like I did every time that I got a ride with her.

    “So,” Spencer smiled. “Never pegged you as a fan of cheerleading.”

    “I have exceptions for everything,” I smirked. She knew what I meant judging from the color her face turned again.

    “Hey Freak,” someone called out ruining my moment with Spencer. Fuck, they were going to have to pay for that.

    “What’s up slut,” I replied to the cheerleader walking up to me. Oh god what was her name? God, I don’t even care enough to remember.

    “Ashley,” Spencer tried to warn me, but oh I could handle her. I could handle her, and all of her little mini sidekicks.

    “Saw you starring at us earlier,” the bitch stated like it was her business when I wasn’t even looking anywhere near that slut.

    “Yeah, I was just trying to figure out which one of you was going to get pregnant first,” I just smirked when I saw the rise one little statement was getting from her. Now here comes a lecture on who she was.

    “You’re new here, so I’m going to explain something to you,” she tried to intimidate me. Too bad it wouldn’t have worked if there were no lights, I was tied to a chair, and she weighed another five hundred pounds. “Nobody fucks with me. Nobody.”

    “I guess you’re going to just have to get used to it then,” I smirked making sure to stare straight into her eyes. I meant business.

    “Ashley Davies, I’ll remember that,” she stated before turning around. Fuck don’t turn your back to me.

    “Ashley,” Spencer whispered sensing my anger rising. “That’s how she always is. Just let it go.”

    “Fine,” I told Spencer. But that’s just what I told Spencer. I was going to get this girl good. She was going to regret ever getting in my face again and I knew just how to do it.

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