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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Six)

    I see you walking by

    Your hair always hiding your face

    I wonder why you’ve been hurting

    I wish I had someway to say

    You’re going through so much

    Don’t you know that I could be the one to hold you


    “Aiden,” I stated when the boy finally picked up.

    “What’s up Ash?”

    “New plan,” I smirked. “Meet me tomorrow after school to go over the details, but we’re going to get Miss head cheerleader an old Ashley fuck you.”

    “Madison?” Aiden asked.

    “Is that her name?”

    “Ashley I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to mess with her. She’ll get you back Ash. She’s seriously vicious.”

    “It’s nothing I can’t handle,” I tried to assure him. Seriously, who was this girl, Carrie brought back to life?

    “Ok, well think about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    “Later,” I hung up going over my plan. I thought it was genius. I thought this girl could never get me back. I mean she couldn’t right?

    Every single day

    I find it hard to say

    I could be yours to alone

    You will see someday

    That all along the way

    I was yours to hold

    I was yours to hold


    I couldn’t sleep tonight. For some reason, I was apprehensive about this next stunt. I just get feeling like I was forgetting something.

    Up above me, I could hear Spencer’s shallow even breaths. She was four feet away, and I missed her. How pathetic is that? She was just four fucking feet away. Maybe I was going soft. But that idea scared me. I mean, I’ve had to be tough for so long to survive. Half of the time I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore.

    The dream once again picked up right where it had left off, leaving me to listen to the one girl that meant everything to me burn alive. People around just looked on with curiosity, wonderment, pity.

    “Please,” I begged the guy that wouldn’t let me go. “You got to let me help her. Can’t you hear her screaming? She’s screaming for me.”

    “I’m sorry,” he just looked at me like everybody else did. He wasn’t any different than any of them. Nobody gave a flying fuck. Nobody!

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