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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: chapter Ten)


    “Why so quiet?” Aiden asked taking a break from eating, which usually only happened when he had to breath.

    “Just thinking,” I sighed looking at the cold greasy cheeseburger next to me. Yeah, that did so not look appetizing.

    “Bout what?” the boy had obviously had to have heard the rumor. Lucky for me, he hadn’t asked about it.

    “So, what do you think we should do for our next prank?” I asked changing the subject. I needed an escape right now, and doing something that was dangerous, stupid, and all together worth it was the only thing that would take my mind off of it right now. Or I suppose Spencer would work too, but I can’t be around her twenty four seven. This would fill the gap in quite nicely.

    “I don’t know Ash,” Aiden sighed looking down at his now empty tray sadly. I could tell he was going back for seconds, so I automatically handed him my cheeseburger.

    “My dads been on my ass a lot right now,” he continued taking a bite of my burger. “Maybe we should just cool it right now, you know?”

    “Sure,” I replied not really wanting to push him. It’d just mean that I’d have to do it alone for now.

    “You’re not upset?” he asked sounding shocked, almost as if he had braced himself for an explosion. Why does everyone think I’m a ticking time bomb?!

    “No, I get it,” was all I said before getting up. “I’ll see you later.”

    I’ve lost my way.
    I’ve lost my way, but I will go on until the end.

    Living is hard enough
    Without you fucking up.

    I’ve lost my way.
    I’ve lost my way, but I will go on until the end.

    Right now I really needed to be alone to think. I needed to find a way to show Spencer. I needed to find a way to let her in, before it was too late and the fire burns the only bridge I have left.

    Why give up, why give in?
    It’s not enough, it never is.
    So I will go on until the end.
    We’ve become desolate.
    It’s not enough, it never is.
    But I will go on until the end.

    The final fight I’ll win,
    The final fight I’ll win,
    The final fight I’ll win,
    But I will go on until the end.

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    1. Hey, just read the whole story up til now. I really enjoy it, I hope you decide to finish it. Meanwhile, I’ll sit here waiting for Ashley to finally open up to Spencer.

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