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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Three)

    “Ok, then Miss Davies I’ll be watching you.” Wrong choice fuck face.

    “Right,” I couldn’t help but smirk. One phone call and you’ll wake up with my name tattooed on your ass.

    “Alright then Miss Davies make sure you get to class now.” Yup, you better fucking hope you watch your back. Making a mental note to myself, I was going to make sure this guy got what was coming.


    The rest of the day went by just as I expected. It almost pissed me off that everyone was just so god damn predictable. So I just pretended like they didn’t exist, and kept myself plugged into my ipod. During class I sunk into my seat, and actually got a few good hours of sleep.

    When lunch came, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do this everyday. I already felt like skipping tomorrow. I didn’t have a car, but that’s what the bus is for right? Besides, I figured I was probably going to get to know the principal on a first name basis soon anyways. So, why not just get straight to the punch line? If I didn’t have that whole going back to Juvie thing hanging over my head, I would have already ditched by now.


    It’s just one of those days

    Feeling like a freight train

    First one to complain leaves with a blood stain

    Damn right I’m a maniac

    You better watch your back

    cause I’m fucking up your program

    And if your stuck up

    Your just lucked up

    Next in line to get fucked up

    Your best bet it to stay away mother fucker

    Just one of those days

    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better quit letting shit slip

    Or you’ll be leaving with a fat lip

    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better talking that shit so come and get it


    After school I sat on the bleachers waiting for Spencer to get done. Sinking into the seat, I tried to forget I was watching some stupid cheerleader routine. Although, I couldn’t help but look up from time to time to see Spencer. God damnit, she was too hard to not look at.

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    1. I love this story so make me happy and update soon lol. Real soon please. BTW i love how Ashley is slowly accepting Spencer. Spencer is too cute and nice. okay now i done!!!! UPDATE

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