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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Three)

    Taking one more glance, I felt her catch my wandering eyes this time. Ah well, play it cool. Smirking and raising one of my eyebrows suggestively, I watched her blush slightly, oh so very innocent. If I could make her blush just from this imagine what I could do if… Na, I can’t think about her like that. I tried to remind myself. But it was so hard not to let my mind wander up and down her flawless perfect chest… No, I can’t think like that. I shook my head trying to focus on anything else. She’s too innocent to even exploit in my mind. And the whole time, I kept finding her oddly familiar, like someone I knew.

    I feel like shit

    My suggestion is to keep your distance

    Cause right now I’m dangerous

    We’ve all felt like shit

    And been treated like shit

    All those mother fuckers

    Wanna step up

    I hope you know I pack a chain saw

    I’ll skim your ass raw

    And if my day keeps going this way I just might break something tonight

    I pack a chain saw

    I’ll skim your ass raw

    And if my day keeps going this way I just might break something tonight

    I pack a chain saw I’ll skim your ass raw

    And if my day keeps going this way I just might break your fucking face tonight

    When the fucking practice was finally over, I felt like I had lost about a million brain cells I couldn’t afford. And I’ll never be able to get the image of Spencer dancing around, sweat dripping down her abs. Not that I really wanted to though.

    “You ready?” Spencer smiled at me, her duffle bag slung over her shoulder, books in her hands. God she looked so adorable.

    “Yup,” I couldn’t help but smile. “Here, let me get those,” I offered grabbing her books out of her arms.

    “Don’t you have any books?” Wow, she is naive.

    “Na, don’t need em,” I smirked.

    “You know my dads going to be on your case,” she forewarned me.

    “Ah, it’s nothing I can’t handle. Trust me, compared to other people I’ve dealt with,” I shook my head at the thought of Arthur coming close to intimidating.

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    1. I love this story so make me happy and update soon lol. Real soon please. BTW i love how Ashley is slowly accepting Spencer. Spencer is too cute and nice. okay now i done!!!! UPDATE

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